“Is God melting you like cheese?”*
Are you fondue? Is God melting you like cheese? Breaking you? Humbling you? Do you need to “surrender” to God? Do Christians have a “sinful nature”? Where do the sinful thoughts really come from? *previously aired
Old Self? Sinful Nature? Flesh? HELP!*
After we come to know God’s grace, then what? For example, how would we deal with addiction? How did God rescue us from being dead in our sins? How can my daughter get closer to God? Should we get her water baptized? My son has been abused by his father, and no one will listen […]
“Is God melting you like cheese?”
Are you fondue? Is God melting you like cheese? Breaking you? Humbling you? Do you need to “surrender” to God? Do Christians have a “sinful nature”? Where do the sinful thoughts really come from?
Old Self? Sinful Nature? Flesh? HELP!
After we come to know God’s grace, then what? For example, how would we deal with addiction? How did God rescue us from being dead in our sins? How can my daughter get closer to God? Should we get her water baptized? My son has been abused by his father, and no one will listen […]
“How do I cope with anxiety and fear?” – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
How do I deepen my relationship with God? What about fear of an unknown future? How should we view 2 Chronicles 7:14 when it comes to our nations and our relationship with God? Why does Paul say, “if you are living according to the flesh, you must die” in Romans 8?
The Paralysis of Analysis
Whom did God give over in Romans 1? Why? Is water baptism necessary to be saved? How do we know whether we are operating by the Spirit or by human effort?
Does home church or online church not “count”?
Why does Paul mention defilement of flesh and spirit if we cannot be spiritually defiled as believers? Is the Roman Catholic church the one true church? My brother is a minister, and he is sleeping with multiple women and involved in substance abuse. What should I do? Some say that home church or online church […]
Is your physical body your enemy?
Are there two different meanings of “flesh” in Paul’s letters? Are our physical bodies evil? What does it mean to accept Jesus as “your personal Lord and Savior”? There are many different views of the end times. Would you consider those views to be heresy or “false teaching”?
Romans 8:13 – “you must die”?
What is the difference between repentance and asking for forgiveness? Do we need to do these daily? Why did Jesus say to “take up your cross”? What does Romans 8:13 mean when it says “if you are living according to the flesh, you must die”?
Tell Your Sickness to Leave?
Are philosophies like Stoicism compatible with Christianity? I was taught that you’re supposed to speak to your illness and tell it to leave. Is that true? Is Matthew 24 talking about things that happened 2,000 years ago or that are still yet to happen?
Special Teaching Edition: Your New Self!
Special Teaching Edition: What is humanity’s core problem? How does God solve it for us? What exactly happens at salvation? What are the practical implications when we’re tempted? How does the average Gospel presentation fall short? What’s the solution?
11.28.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
When I questioned some of the practices of a deliverance ministry, they said I was committing an unpardonable sin. Could this be true? Is Jesus the Son of God, or God Himself, or both? What does 2 Corinthians 7 mean by “defilement of flesh and spirit”? What are the roots of Calvinism and its view […]
11.27.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Does Psalm 146:4 support the idea of “soul sleep“ when we die? What does Romans mean by “make no provision for the flesh”? Psalm 139 says God has ordained our days, so does that mean everything is set? Where do choices come in if that is true? Romans and Corinthians both talk about not offending […]
10.22.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
What does it really mean to have Christ living in us? Why did Jesus say we cannot serve two masters? What do you think about the phrase: “God told me to tell you…”? How can I stop questioning my salvation? I like my church, but I don’t feel like I can share the whole truth […]
10.18.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Is there any place for teaching self-improvement? What about in a secular setting? Could there possibly be an end to the punishment of unbelievers at some point? I struggle with obsessive thoughts, and I sometimes wonder if I should only be sharing the Gospel all the time. What are your thoughts?
10.03.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Can apostasy really happen to a Christian? Ask any question at BibleQuestions.com. What about a so-called Christian who walks away and has a sinful lifestyle for the rest of his life?
09.28.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Do we really not have free will? How does the salvation decision factor in? I feel like my old self has come back to life. What’s really happening?
08.06.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
If we are totally forgiven already, should we still repent? What do you think about the word “surrender” being used for our relationship with God? What are your thoughts on politics and the church? If I’m experiencing sinful thoughts, doesn’t that mean I have a sinful heart? What is “the flesh”, and how is it […]
05.17.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
What does James really mean about faith and works? What is the flesh? What does it mean to not make a provision for the flesh? What is the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit? Should I be worried that I committed that sin?
04.25.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Is Jesus teaching transubstantiation in John 6? If Christians don’t have a sinful nature, then what was Paul warring against in Romans 6 and 7? If I’m a born-again believer, why do I still have sinful desires? Is it actually me wanting to do it? What is the immorality described in Romans 1?