“Are the desires of my heart good?”

How do we deal with disappointment with God? How can we say God is good when so many bad things happen? Why did Jesus say the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath? Is it okay to express the desires of our heart to God and ask Him for them?

02.13.2024 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Why does the New Testament say no one has seen God if He appeared to people in the Old Testament? Does the Bible contradict itself? What does it mean to not love things of this world? How do you know when you’ve come to trust God?

The Narrow Gate

Is it okay to participate in Jewish cultural events as a Jewish Christian? When did salvation go from believing in God to believing only in Jesus Christ? What does the Bible say about cremation? Is Matthew 18 speaking about a future church?

What does “living sacrifice” mean?

What does Romans 12 mean about proving the will of God? How do I explain the true meaning of water baptism to my brother who thinks it saves him? God knows what we need before we ask? What if someone’s behavior doesn’t show signs of new life? Could they still be saved?

Does fasting “widen our pipeline” to God?

How can I share Christ with my Muslim friend? He questions whether Jesus really claimed to be God. Are the Spirit of Christ and the Holy Spirit different? I’m looking for a Bible-believing church in my area. How can I find fellowship? Does fasting change our posture or widen our pipeline to God? Also, does […]

12.28.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

I’ve heard that salvation is guaranteed but rewards are not. Is this true? The world says that we learn from failure, not success. To what degree should we believers take this to heart? How does it not become a “shoulda, woulda, coulda” scenario? I’m questioning why God is allowing so many negative circumstances in my […]

12.13.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Why is Jesus called “Everlasting Father” in Isaiah? Did Peter, James and John have the same revelation as Paul? If Jesus really is God, then how did He not know the time of His return? Does God change His mind? What does “do not be conformed to the world” really mean in Romans 12?

09.27.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Do we really have “free will”? I know we are sanctified, but aren’t we also being sanctified? I’m dating a Messianic Jew and wondering if I should let her share her beliefs with my kids? Will God allow you to experience more than you can handle?

08.17.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Should we invite people to evangelistic events without telling them the hidden purpose? Does the power of sin “live” in believers or only “operate” in our bodies when we allow it? Did Jesus fulfill the Old Testament command to love God with all your strength? I thought we were already holy, so what kind of […]

07.31.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Will you still remember everything in Heaven? If so, how will there be no sorrow there? Are we humans a little lower than God? Is it okay for the New Testament to tweak Old Testament quotes? My pastor said he had the authority to hand me over to Satan. This has concerned me for months! […]

05.30.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Are there good qualities in people before they’re saved? What if you’re struggling with sin when you die? Do you go to Hell? Is it safe to say those who completely abandon Christianity were never really in Christ to start with? Is it accurate to say God unconditionally loves some people and hates others?

03.29.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

What does Proverbs 22 say about parenting? Why does Galatians 5 say we have crucified the flesh if we still struggle with it? Does Genesis 6 really mean God made a mistake in creating us? What does it mean to be “dead to sin”? Is it wrong for God to jealously desire us? Does God […]

03.15.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

*Previously aired* Why does Paul say that deacons should be the husband of only one wife? What was the purpose of fasting? Are Christians required to fast today? How does being under grace help our struggle against sin? What does it mean that we’re saved from the wrath of God? Is that about the final […]

03.08.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Why does Paul say that deacons should be the husband of only one wife? What was the purpose of fasting? Are Christians required to fast today? How does being under grace help our struggle against sin? What does it mean that we’re saved from the wrath of God? Is that about the final judgment or […]

02.08.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

What should I do if I’m not growing in my church because of the teaching? Did God kill some Corinthian believers because of their disobedience at the Lord’s Supper? Are there any altars or should there be any altar calls today? What about those who have an impairment and can’t understand the Gospel?

01.05.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

How do you balance the eternal security of Romans 8:1 with Galatians 6:8? Did God create evil? Are those who believe they can lose their salvation not even saved? I deal with scrupulous thinking and wonder if I’m saved. Can you help?