Does home church or online church not “count”?

Why does Paul mention defilement of flesh and spirit if we cannot be spiritually defiled as believers? Is the Roman Catholic church the one true church? My brother is a minister, and he is sleeping with multiple women and involved in substance abuse. What should I do? Some say that home church or online church […]

Can God minister without Bible reading?

How do you explain Matthew 5:16 in light of your message “Hide Giving, Hide Praying, Hide Fasting”? Can God minister to you even when you’re not reading the Bible? What is “the great falling away”? What should a Christian parent teach their child about transgenderism? How can we flourish in our unique identity in Christ […]

12.14.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Should we be sure to gather with other believers? What role does leadership play? Does living better produce answered prayer requests? Can I pray another person toward salvation? Wasn’t water baptism preached in the early church? How do we understand Acts 8 and 10? I heard a preacher say if I don’t forgive other people, […]

04.21.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

My pastor says true salvation is demonstrated in a person by goods works, church attendance, Bible study, devotion time, etc. He says if these things are not present in a person’s life, then they may think they are saved but they are not, even if they say they believe in Jesus Christ. What is your […]

03.29.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

What does Proverbs 22 say about parenting? Why does Galatians 5 say we have crucified the flesh if we still struggle with it? Does Genesis 6 really mean God made a mistake in creating us? What does it mean to be “dead to sin”? Is it wrong for God to jealously desire us? Does God […]

09.20.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

How did the bride prepare herself in Revelation 19:7? I had an affair with an evangelist, fasted naked for seven days, and then was told I had to worship a demon. Any chance I can still go to heaven? After learning about God’s grace, I’m now not sure what service looks like and what church […]

CWR: What We Believe – Part 6

What is our motivation for good works? Does behavior matter? These questions and more are addressed in the sixth message of Andrew’s series titled “What We Believe.”

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