“How do so many miss the truth?”

Why were the books of Enoch and Mary not included in the canon? Are there any contradictions in the King James Version? How can so many churches and ministries miss the truth of God’s grace? What does “outer darkness” refer to in Matthew 25? How should we view heavenly rewards? What does the Parable of […]

“Righteous by Birth, Not Behavior”

I’m a horrible person and I hate myself. What can I do about this? Am I allowed to have opinions about Israel’s actions or is that offensive to God? How do the issues of vengeance and judgment actually work with God? Have you noticed that we are so behavior-focused within Christianity? I have forgiven my […]

09.22.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Have I committed the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit? Why does Hebrews 11:13 say they didn’t receive what was promised? Are we really supposed to hate our relatives? What is Jesus saying in Luke 14:26? And how does it apply to Christians today?

05.30.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Are there good qualities in people before they’re saved? What if you’re struggling with sin when you die? Do you go to Hell? Is it safe to say those who completely abandon Christianity were never really in Christ to start with? Is it accurate to say God unconditionally loves some people and hates others?

02.12.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Is Jesus’ role to help us keep the Law once we’re saved? What is God’s perspective on natural disasters? I’m teaching a Bible study and some have left saying God is leading them away from the group. What should I do? Is there a difference between Heaven and Paradise? I struggle with legalistic, condemning thoughts. […]

08.15.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Does the Holy Spirit help a believer keep the Law? I heard that I need to hate my family and put everything on the altar in order to be truly saved. Is this true? Where can I find trusted resources to help me interpret difficult passages of Scripture?

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