Does grace make you passive?

Fully God, fully man – did Christ have the “capacity” to sin? Does the grace of God make some people go passive? Why didn’t God heal Paul? What did God mean by “My grace is sufficient”?

“How can I harness the power to heal?”

Some think they’re hearing from those who have died. What do you say to that? I was in the hospital for a month with cancer and experienced a lot of accusation and condemnation in my mind. Where was that coming from? My dad is pressuring me to keep the Sabbath day. Am I supposed to? […]

Did Jesus heal everyone? Actually, no.

Andrew, how was your father saved? Was everyone around Jesus healed? What perspective on healing is healthy today? Is the discipline in Matthew 18 really for Jews under the Law? Why did David mention eating the flesh of bulls and goats? Isn’t there “high sin” that is unforgivable? What about 1 John 1:9? Don’t we […]

04.21.2024 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Andrew, how was your father saved? Was everyone around Jesus healed? What perspective on healing is healthy today? Is the discipline in Matthew 18 really for Jews under the Law? Why did David mention eating the flesh of bulls and goats? Isn’t there “high sin” that is unforgivable? What about 1 John 1:9? Don’t we […]

Do you need more faith?

Why do we have to wait a thousand years for God to continue with His plan? Does the Bible support the concept of the Trinity? Why did the Israelites have to look at a bronze serpent to be healed? Should we be concerned with having more faith? What about a Christian who wants to end […]

Do you have a “dirty worm” view of yourself?

Are we simultaneously saints and sinners? Can you talk about the “dirty worm theology” so many have today? What does your tag line “Jesus plus nothing“ mean? What is our authority as believers to do miracles or heal people? Why is Jesus talking about nakedness and clothing in Revelation 16?

Tell Your Sickness to Leave?

Are philosophies like Stoicism compatible with Christianity? I was taught that you’re supposed to speak to your illness and tell it to leave. Is that true? Is Matthew 24 talking about things that happened 2,000 years ago or that are still yet to happen?

No Condemnation for Some Christians- Or All?

Should I pray to the Father, the Son, or the Holy Spirit? I’ve been praying for my friend and so far there’s no healing. What should I do? I’m worried there will be “woe upon me” if I don’t fulfill my calling as a preacher! Is the King James Version the one and only – […]

Not enough faith to be healed?

I want to understand the Bible better, but where should I start? Also, how do I find verses on a particular struggle? What do you think about “not having enough faith to be healed”? What are your thoughts on the death penalty? What does it mean to “work out your salvation with fear and trembling”? […]

Is “speaking mysteries” to God a good thing? No!

Are we guaranteed physical healing because of the cross? How can we share the gospel as an “elevator pitch”? 1 Corinthians 14 contains two challenging verses (v.2 and v.4). How do you explain those if there is no private prayer language? Should I expect to hear the gospel regularly in church? Why do you think […]

Does fasting “widen our pipeline” to God?

How can I share Christ with my Muslim friend? He questions whether Jesus really claimed to be God. Are the Spirit of Christ and the Holy Spirit different? I’m looking for a Bible-believing church in my area. How can I find fellowship? Does fasting change our posture or widen our pipeline to God? Also, does […]

10.30.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Do we have to “beg” to be saved? Does Isaiah 53 guarantee our physical healing by faith? What does the Parable of Ten Virgins mean? Can a Christian who looks at pornography get possessed by a demon? What about near-death experiences where people visit Heaven or Hell and then come back?

10.23.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Will Christians really judge the world and the angels? What can we do to stabilize our daily life when we struggle? My husband has been diagnosed with cancer and now it has spread. What are your thoughts on prayer and Bible verses for healing?

09.15.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

What does it mean to receive the Holy Spirit when you believe? Can my husband and I take a break from tithing? So many preachers are saying it’s “God’s will” to heal everyone, so why aren’t we all healed? Can we lose our salvation?

07.26.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

What does James 5 mean about healing? Is there any rationale for forgiving ourselves? How do I “fit in” at church now that I understand God’s grace better? Might God blot my name out of the Book of Life? Shouldn’t I still follow the Law to give myself structure and to be perfect and impress […]

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