“Prepare myself to hear from God?”

The once-for-all forgiveness message is powerful! I’m blown away by God’s grace as seen in Hebrews. I’m a new believer. How can you hear God’s voice? Do I need to prepare myself?

Do we need to “hold fast” to stay saved?

Why do Hebrews and Colossians say to “hold fast“ or “continue”? Does this imply we could lose our salvation? Is Romans 7 about Paul before or after his conversion? When Romans 8 says “no condemnation”, is it referring to total forgiveness of our future sins? Why do some Christians seem to have a negative view […]

02.21.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

I’m a new believer and thought that everyone will be treated the same in Heaven. Are there really different levels of rewards? Can you explain exactly why we can’t lose our salvation? Are there female angels? Where in the Bible does it actually say that we are forgiven of all our sins forever?

10.16.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

I struggle with obsessive thoughts about hating God. Does this mean I am in danger? Your message about not having fear really freed me. Thank you! How does the renewing of the mind really happen? What is a reprobate mind? Can a Christian have one? Hebrews is an awesome summary of the new covenant. What […]

09.28.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

What is the book of Hebrews about? How does God speak to us today? I need you to confirm my dream or vision that I will have neuroscience technology implanted in me. My son had an affair and has now moved in with someone else. Should I still go see him and the grandkids? How […]

09.11.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

How does God’s promise to Himself secure our salvation? Is the idea of in-and-out-of-fellowship double talk? It gets hard when you’re praying for stuff and nothing seems to be changing. What are your thoughts? Are we to keep the greatest commandment in the Law? What’s the difference between the soul and the spirit?

08.22.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

If believers choose to sin, will they be judged? Why does the author of Hebrews talk about Esau selling his birthright? Can we give up our salvation in the same way? If we are totally forgiven forever, then what is the meaning of 1 John 1:9?

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