How exactly do we “walk by the Spirit”?

What is the difference between discipleship and sonship? How do we know we’re walking by the Spirit? Does the Father actually “take away” branches that don’t bear enough fruit?

“You’re like the Holy of Holies!”

Can you walk away from the faith and no longer abide in Christ? Didn’t Jesus teach that we should keep the Sabbath? Were the angels at Jesus’s tomb a fulfillment of the angels that were on the ark of the covenant?

04.25.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

What is Psalm 23 really about? Should I memorize it and pray it to God? How do I navigate healthy boundaries with my family while still communicating love to them? What does it mean to have “done everything” and to “stand” in Ephesians 6? Why does Jesus tell His disciples they are clean because of […]

03.07.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

What do you think about deconstructionism? A former boyfriend wants to rekindle the relationship. What should I do? Does a person have to believe in the Trinity to be saved? Does John 15 say the Father will cut us off if we don’t bear fruit? Is the “name it, claim it” approach to prayer actually […]

01.17.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Is John 15 addressing believers or unbelievers? What does it mean to abide? Is it right to picture Christ walking beside me and telling me it’s going to be okay? What is speaking in tongues? Is it a second blessing or evidence of true salvation? What is praying in the Spirit?

06.25.2017 – Andrew Farley Live!

Are my homosexual kids saved? I struggle with addiction and wonder if I am still saved, can you help me? What does it mean to abide in Christ?

06.07.2015 – Andrew Farley Live!

What does repent mean? What does John 10:27-29 mean? What does Philippians 2:12 mean when it says “work out our salvation?” Are there consequences to our sin under grace? Can I lose my salvation? What happens if you are luke warm? What is the difference between sin and the enemy? What does it mean in John 15 about the branches who don’t […]

02.22.2015 – Andrew Farley Live!

Does God use suffering as a means to chastise us? In John 15, every branch that doesn’t bear fruit will be taken away, can you lose your salvation if you don’t bear fruit? What does it mean in Colossians to continue? Can we commit blasphemy of the Holy Spirit? What do we have to do for salvation? Do […]

10.19.2014 – Andrew Farley Live!

Is the entire world forgiven? In Genesis 6:6 God regretted creating man, how can an all powerful and all-knowing God feel regret? What are your thoughts on Romans 6:10? In John 15, can we get thrown away and burned up? What are your thoughts on Romans 8:28?

05.26.2013 – Andrew Farley Live!

What are your thoughts on the 3-month tithe challenge? Are we mandated to tithe? How do we apply John 15, and how do we abide? What does the passage about tithe in Malachi 3 mean? Can you lose your salvation? Does grace inspire us to keep the Law?

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