07.10.2016 – Andrew Farley Live!

What does John 12:48, “the word that I have spoken will judge him on the last day”? What are your thoughts on the sabbath? What is salvation?

06.05.2016c – Andrew Farley Live!

Is eating pork an abomination? Are we supposed to follow any part of the Law? Does God punish us for our sins? In James 3 it says teachers will be judged, what does this mean?

05.08.2016 – Andrew Farley Live!

I pray to God everyday, but I only pray to Jesus once a week and feel I am leaving him out, am I praying right? Who was Melchizedek in the Old Testament, was he an early appearance of Christ? If we won’t be judged for our sins, what are we going to be judged for?

05.01.2016b – Andrew Farley Live!

I have a feeling of inadequacy, can you help me? What are your thoughts on the judgment seat, and 2 Corinthians 5:10? How does the discipline of the Lord fit into the Christian life?

02.14.2016 – Andrew Farley Live!

Will you explain more about the spirit, soul and body? Are we supposed to strive to love like it describes in 1 Corinthians 13? Is the marriage covenant broken when your spouse leaves but there is no immorality? Am I free to marry if I get divorced? Will we be judged for our sins? What […]

12.27.2015 – Andrew Farley Live!

I don’t want to live right or do right, because I feel it doesn’t get me anywhere, what do I do? What does it mean that our works will be judged? Did Jesus really tell us not to keep the Sabbath? Are the ten commandments treated differently than the rest of the Law? In, Mark […]

08.23.2015 – Andrew Farley Live!

When Jesus says “depart from me, I never knew you,” what did He mean? What are your thoughts on the bema (judgment) seat?   Do the dead get a second chance to accept Jesus Christ as savior? In Revelation 3:5, what does it mean that our name will not be blotted out? When someone dies, where do they go? […]

07.06.2014 – Andrew Farley Live!

Are there two judgments? How does the message of grace heal Pastors burnout? I keep sinning, and then asking for forgiveness, and then turn around and do it again, I don’t know what to do?

11.03.2013 – Andrew Farley Live!

Do you believe that Christ and the Holy Spirit reside in our spirit? Are there two judgments in heaven? If we are Christians, when we die will we go to heaven or do we wait? Do we have to use the name Yahweh instead of Jesus when addressing God? In Revelation 22, does this allude to loss of salvation?

05.12.2013 – Andrew Farley Live!

Can you explain forgiveness, judgment, and rewards? My father is selfish and superficial, what do I do? Do I forgive? How do we forgive someone? Because I’m remembering, does that mean I haven’t forgiven?  My wife has cheated on me, what do I do? Is God forgiveness of our sin conditional, does it depend on our repentance and our […]

03.17.2013 – Andrew Farley Live!

Are we supposed to die to self? What does it mean that we died to sin? How do I forgive? Is the lake of fire an eternal death or do people just die? Will the Christian be judged for their sins? I can’t stop sinning what do I do?

11.04.2012 – Andrew Farley Live!

If Jesus died for the sins of the whole world, wont that mean the world wont be judged for their sins? One of my friends are a bad influence, what do I do? I am having marriage problems; do you have advice? My wife and I are divorced, she wants me to forgive her and take her back, […]