Old Testament violence? Ouch!

How do we reconcile Old Testament violence with the message of Jesus today? What does James 2 mean when it says three times that we are “justified by works”? (We can’t ignore the presence of this phrase, and we must wrestle with it.) Why does James 5 say we will come under judgment if we […]

Does forgiveness mean no confrontation?

Are we immediately with Jesus after we die? When do you forgive and when do you confront someone who hurt you? Why does it seem like there’s a contradiction between Romans and James about when Abraham was justified? I am experiencing anxiety and poor physical health. Can you help me?

Forgive to be forgiven? Justified by works?

What kind of repentance actually saves? How should we view the Lord’s Prayer if believers are already forgiven? Why does James 2 say “justified by works” three times? Who was Melchizedek and why is he mentioned in the Old and New Testaments? Do we lose our painful memories when we get to Heaven?

The Narrow Gate

Is it okay to participate in Jewish cultural events as a Jewish Christian? When did salvation go from believing in God to believing only in Jesus Christ? What does the Bible say about cremation? Is Matthew 18 speaking about a future church?

08.03.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

How can our bodies be holy if they’re decaying and ultimately replaced? Are there still apostles and prophets today? I know a preacher who left the faith, because of personal pain he endured. What does this mean for our theology of “once saved, always saved”? Was obedience to the Law an act of faith? Did […]

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