“Seven dispensations? Hmm…”*

Did the prodigal son’s brother ever come around? What is the meaning of the parable? What do you think of the seven dispensations that some people teach? Does Jesus return one or two times? My wife and I need help for our marriage. What can we do? *previously aired

“Seven dispensations? Hmm…”

Did the prodigal son’s brother ever come around? What is the meaning of the parable? What do you think of the seven dispensations that some people teach? Does Jesus return one or two times? My wife and I need help for our marriage. What can we do?

“Satan is all bark and no bite!”

What are the beliefs of Seventh Day Adventists? Are they biblical? If we can’t lose our salvation, then why does Satan bother with us? Is there any lesson to be learned from the barrenness of women in the Old Testament? How can we more easily be at peace with others?

“How do I heal from a guilty conscience?”

1 John says we need no one to teach us, but God gave us pastors and teachers. I don’t get it! What do you think about the horrible things that are happening around the world? Is the return of Jesus getting nearer? Which book would you recommend to grasp the basics of God‘s grace? Why […]

Christmas Trees & Pork Sandwiches

Who was Eliezer of Damascus? Why was Abraham thinking of giving an inheritance to him? What can we learn from the difference between Isaac and Ishmael? A friend of mine is a new believer and doesn’t eat pork or celebrate Christmas with a tree. How can I reach her with the truth? I’ve heard I […]

“What’s happening in Heaven right now?”

What are people doing in Heaven right now? My son died of a drug overdose, and I wonder where he is now. Can I know? My friend is trying to pressure me into sex. Is he husband material? What does “many are called, but few are chosen” really mean?

“Is God ashamed of me for not witnessing enough?”

What should we think about people who say they’ve been to Hell and back? Does Luke 9:26 mean God might be ashamed of me if I don’t witness enough? I was in an abusive marriage and just got out. Now, I wonder if I’m free to remarry someday?

“I’ve been doubting a lot lately!”

What kind of marriage ceremony is enough for me and my fiancé? Why does Ephesians say that Jesus “descended”? Where to? Lately, I’ve been experiencing an intensity of doubts. What should I do? My new daughter-in-law’s family was offended at my wedding speech. How should I handle this?

“Shouldn’t I have overcome my addiction by now?”

How should I approach dating as a believer? I’m still married (legally) but would like to possibly marry someone else now. What should I do? I question my salvation due to my ongoing addiction to prescription drugs. Shouldn’t I have overcome my addiction by now if I’m truly saved?

“I’m being bled dry!”

What is the prosperity gospel? Why is it off the mark? Why is a prophet not welcome in his own hometown? Are we supposed to show priority for one type of church or ministry over another? Right now, I feel like I’m being bled dry! Can you pray for me and my marriage? My wife […]

“The book of James scares me!”

I’m struggling with doubt and fear. I have questions about James 2 and faith and works. When Jesus returns, is it to take us to Heaven or establish a new Earth? How do I stop being judgmental of others? Should I be talking to my husband about past sexual experiences with other men?

“Mediums? Channeling? Demons?”

My mother passed away a while ago, and her husband wants to put her on a Mormon list to be married eternally. Is that okay? What should we think about channeling and mediums? What about Halloween? And demon possession? Is the church replacing Israel? Is there a second blessing or second portion of the Spirit […]

“The Holy Spirit spoke through me!”

Does the Holy Spirit sometimes speak through us? What does that entail? Is “once saved, always saved” really true? What about being lukewarm? Isn’t there an unpardonable sin? What’s on your heart and mind lately, Andrew? How should we view the impossible demands of the Sermon on the Mount? My long-time boyfriend and I are […]

“Can I give up my birthright?”

Can we give up our birthright (our salvation)? If not, then why does Hebrews 12 mention Esau giving up his? What does God canceling “the certificate of debt” mean in Colossians 2? I feel like the Lord asked me to do a bunch of things that I wasn’t willing to do. Then I rebelled and […]

Are we giving Satan too much power?

What should you do when you don’t feel God is pleased with you? How could the people mentioned in Matthew 7 cast out demons and heal if they weren’t saved? Does Hebrews 6 suggest you can lose your salvation? What does it mean to be “glorified” in Romans 8:30? Are we giving too much power […]

Is Eastern Orthodox the one true church?

How can we discern who to marry given the warning about being unequally yoked? Why should I remain Protestant and not become Eastern Orthodox? What is the value and purpose of crowns in Heaven? Can we “speak things into existence”? Wouldn’t that be taking power away from God?

Are we giving too much power to Satan?

What should you do when you don’t feel God is pleased with you? How could people cast out demons and heal in Matthew 7 if they weren’t even saved? Does Hebrews 6 suggest you can lose your salvation? What does it mean to be “glorified” in Romans 8:30? Are we giving too much power to […]

“I want to love and respect my wife?”

How can I overcome sexual temptation and have a healthy marriage? My wife and I have had many disputes, some ending in verbal and physical abuse. We are now living separately and need counseling. I’m struggling with how to respond when she seems embittered toward me. Can you help?

“My husband died without a last repentance!”

How can I find a believing wife? How can I address my struggle with lust? Does Hebrew 6 teach that we can lose our salvation? My husband died recently and did not repent of any last-minute sins. Is he still in Heaven with God?

“I’m missing something to make my marriage better”

Is every sin really willful? What about mistakes we make? I’ve heard your messages on a healthy marriage, and I agree and have implemented those truths. But I feel like I’m missing something that will make my marriage richer and deeper. At the same time, I’m afraid of losing my marriage. What can I do? […]

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