Bearing fruit without being legalistic?

What does it mean to abide in Christ? Can we lose our salvation? How is discipline different from punishment? Is purgatory biblical? How do we walk in obedience without being legalistic?

The Obedience of Faith

Are Christians permitted to divorce and remarry? Does the New Testament really say we are forgiven – past, present and future? Why does Hebrews 5 say that only those who obey Jesus are eternally secure? Who are the “lukewarm” people that are rebuked in Revelation 3?

“I’ve repeatedly failed God!”

How do we know the narrow gate refers to grace? Did the Crusades have anything to do with authentic Christianity? Why is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit an unforgivable sin? Did I commit it? God asked me to be obedient as a teenager, yet I repeatedly failed Him. Could it be that I’m not really […]

08.03.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

How can our bodies be holy if they’re decaying and ultimately replaced? Are there still apostles and prophets today? I know a preacher who left the faith, because of personal pain he endured. What does this mean for our theology of “once saved, always saved”? Was obedience to the Law an act of faith? Did […]

02.22.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Why does Paul quote from the Law about obeying your parents if we are under grace? If a Christian gets a divorce and then remarries, are they in a perpetual state of sin? Can they only get remarried when their ex-spouse dies or remarries? What’s the difference between Old Testament law and New Testament commands?

02.15.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

I’ve been going on dates and have been asked to stop talking so much about God. What are your thoughts? Is Isaiah 43 a prophecy about Jesus as Savior? Can we call baptism immersion? Is it “the first act of obedience”? What are your thoughts on the concept of revival?

08.28.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Can those who miss the return of Christ still be saved later? Is water baptism necessary for salvation? When we sin, do we move out from under God’s protection? How does Romans 8:30 play into predestination? Why did Paul engage in purification rituals in Acts 21? What role does obedience play in salvation? Did Jesus […]

08.14.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

What does it mean that Christ lives in me and that I am complete in Him? What does it mean to be seated with Christ in Heaven? I’ve been struggling with pornography, and I feel horrible. Am I still saved? I have a friend who says he’s saved, but there are no real signs. What […]

06.08.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Why does Jesus say “if you obey My commands” in John 15? How often should we preach about Hell? Is infant baptism Biblical? Why am I so overwhelmed with trying to lay things at Jesus‘ feet? What should I do if I can’t seem to trust Him?

05.04.2017 – Andrew Farley Live

Where is the place of obedience in the grace message? Why did the wise men go to Herod? How much are we supposed to give? Is the messianic jew movement biblical?

01.12.2014 – Andrew Farley Live!

What about anointing, is that an add on? Why was Jesus so hard on Pharisees for following the Law? How does the gospel help us with the fear of offending people? What is obedience in the New Testament? What are your thoughts on doubting salvation?

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