01.12.2025 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Am I being disobedient to God if I go to a church that has women pastors? Are we judged by what we did with the opportunities God gave us? How many judgments are there? What will it be like for Christians? I can’t find a grace-focused church! What should I do? Why do I have […]

You’re safe. The enemy is all bark and no bite!

What “newness” will you celebrate in the New Year? Is God truly sovereign? Does this mean we cannot do anything to prolong our lives? Can spiritual leaders be abusive? If so, how exactly? Can the enemy interfere with our prayers? Can he read our minds?

Have spiritual gifts ceased today?

Why do you say there are two kinds of sanctification? Is it possible to be saved and be radically confused about the Law? Are pastors the only ones who can have the gift of healing? Are the gifts of the Spirit still around today? Why does Solomon say there’s nothing new under the sun in […]

The Pressure Cooker of Legalism!*

What should we do when a popular pastor fails us? Will we be sinless in Heaven? My friend and I debate about the Sabbath. Are Christians obligated to keep it? Doesn’t the Holy Spirit help us keep the Ten Commandments? *previously aired

The Pressure Cooker of Legalism!

What should we do when a popular pastor fails us? Will we be sinless in Heaven? My friend and I debate about the Sabbath. Are Christians obligated to keep it? Doesn’t the Holy Spirit help us keep the Ten Commandments?

Are pastors and elders biblical? Yes!

How can I know for sure that I’m saved? My son was killed in a car accident. Where was God‘s protection? Was his death untimely? Are paid pastors and the concept of elders a product of Constantine or Calvin? Or are they actually biblical?

11.19.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Why do dispensationalists say there’s one message for Jews and another for Gentiles? Who was Jesus praying for when He said, “Father, forgive them, they know not what they do”? Is there a difference between confessing and asking for forgiveness? Will we remember our unbelieving friends and relatives in Heaven? If God’s Spirit bears witness […]

05.02.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

What is the wide gate that leads to destruction? What is the narrow gate? Should pastors have exposed tattoos in church? What are your thoughts on inerrancy? How can the Scriptures be accurate if imperfect men wrote them?

03.19.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

My friend is saying that we can lose our salvation if we don’t keep the faith. Is that true? Is demonic possession still a thing today? What about deliverance ministries? Can you help me understand Mark 16 and Acts 10 in regard to “new tongues”? Why is Paul seemingly so harsh with a churchgoer in […]

10.24.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Should women be serving as pastors, deacons, or leaders? Or should they remain quiet? What’s the difference between “presenting yourselves” to God and “presenting your members” to God? Do the warnings to the seven churches in Revelation contradict the message of Grace?

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