“Does God allow disaster? Does He cause it?”

Why did John the Baptist have to baptize Jesus? How did this event “fulfill all righteousness”? What does God allow in our lives? What about natural disasters like in Florida? Should we worry about having “graven images” of Jesus in our homes? Is it healthy for churches to preach about politics? What is the Scriptural […]

Falling over in church? (slain in the Spirit?)

How can we best understand the rapture and the tribulation and the millennium? Are we still under the moral law? How does Jesus live through us? What is New Testament prophecy? Who are those with reprobate minds? Is God really slaying us in the Spirit? Are there new apostles today?

“We unplug from Adam and get plugged in to Christ”

What are the ways in which Old Testament prophecy is fulfilled by Jesus? What exactly happened at the fall for Adam and Eve? I want a deeper spiritual relationship with someone close to me, but I always seem to feel rejected. Any advice?

Can I really do ALL things through Christ?

What is Paul’s thorn in the flesh? Why did King Saul prophesy? Am I free to gather with other Christians in a home on any day rather than Sunday church? If a believer dies by suicide, are they still saved? Did angels have relations with humans to produce offspring? Is once-saved-always-saved true? What does “I […]

Tell Your Sickness to Leave?

Are philosophies like Stoicism compatible with Christianity? I was taught that you’re supposed to speak to your illness and tell it to leave. Is that true? Is Matthew 24 talking about things that happened 2,000 years ago or that are still yet to happen?

Is “speaking mysteries” to God a good thing? No!

Are we guaranteed physical healing because of the cross? How can we share the gospel as an “elevator pitch”? 1 Corinthians 14 contains two challenging verses (v.2 and v.4). How do you explain those if there is no private prayer language? Should I expect to hear the gospel regularly in church? Why do you think […]

What is the “harvest of righteousness”?

What are your thoughts on preterism? Does God guarantee increase in our income if we give to the gospel? What is “the power working within us” in Ephesians 3? Should we just go out and sin so that grace shines more brightly?

12.04.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

How do you know if you’re talking to Jesus or some other spirit? If someone is struggling with a habitual sin, can they still reach their destiny with God? How is the love of money the root of all evil, if there was no money in the Garden of Eden?

02.15.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

I’ve been going on dates and have been asked to stop talking so much about God. What are your thoughts? Is Isaiah 43 a prophecy about Jesus as Savior? Can we call baptism immersion? Is it “the first act of obedience”? What are your thoughts on the concept of revival?

01.26.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

I’ve been thirsting for spiritual food and I haven’t been finding it. Shouldn’t prophecy be a main focus? I believe God spoke to me and my cat through the television and a floating orb. How do I break free from addiction and experience what God wants for my life?

09.29.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

What kind of prophet was Agabus? How was he able to warn Paul about his future? What does “the power of life and death is in the tongue” really mean? Can we speak away sickness and poverty? Do we word-curse ourselves by speaking negatively? Where does the new heart fit in with spirit, soul, and […]

09.28.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

What is the book of Hebrews about? How does God speak to us today? I need you to confirm my dream or vision that I will have neuroscience technology implanted in me. My son had an affair and has now moved in with someone else. Should I still go see him and the grandkids? How […]

07.25.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

How is there no condemnation for us if we still reap what we sow? Has anyone tested the prophecy in Revelation? What does it mean to be spiritually dead? Can spiritually dead people call upon the Lord? Do believers have to give an account of themselves? Are we judged for our sins?

07.12.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

I was taught my son would be healed because of my faith, and then he died. Can you speak to this sort of teaching? How do we have “the mind of Christ” yet our minds are being “renewed”? How should we interpret the meaning of “lawlessness” in 1 John 3:4? What are your thoughts on […]