“Seven dispensations? Hmm…”*
Did the prodigal son’s brother ever come around? What is the meaning of the parable? What do you think of the seven dispensations that some people teach? Does Jesus return one or two times? My wife and I need help for our marriage. What can we do? *previously aired
“Seven dispensations? Hmm…”
Did the prodigal son’s brother ever come around? What is the meaning of the parable? What do you think of the seven dispensations that some people teach? Does Jesus return one or two times? My wife and I need help for our marriage. What can we do?
“Is it okay to listen to false teachers?”
Is the return of Christ secretive or public? Does the final judgment come later? I can barely pay my rent, yet I feel pressure to tithe. Should I? Is it okay to listen carefully to false teachers to glean bits of truth? Why do I have dreams that I’m losing my salvation?
“Few are chosen”?
Why does Jesus say “many are called, few are chosen”? How does the parable about the wedding feast reveal His true meaning? When is the rapture? Why did Paul go to Arabia?
“Seek to please God? If so, how?”
Are we pleasing to God? Do we also need to seek to please Him? Can a believer take the Mark of the Beast? I’m a biker that’s rough around the edges. Sometimes I feel out of place at my church. What does God think? What does salvation mean? Is the Holy Spirit ever removed from […]
“Saved through childbearing”?*
What does the Parable of the Talents really mean? Did Jesus go to Hell and preach for three days? How are women “saved through childbearing”? What does that even mean? How many times will Christ return? Do Christians really have to struggle to “know God”? *previously aired
“Give thanks in ALL things?”
How can I genuinely give thanks in ALL things? How should we view near-death experiences? Does God meet us in the air before the Tribulation?
“Saved through childbearing”?
What does the Parable of the Talents really mean? Did Jesus go to Hell and preach for three days? How are women “saved through childbearing”? What does that even mean? How many times will Christ return? Do Christians really have to struggle to “know God”?
What happens at the final judgment?
What will happen at the final judgment? Will the Jews get a second chance after the rapture? Are we like Ezekiel the “watchman” in Ezekiel 33? Will we be held accountable for the souls of others? Do you believe in a pre-tribulation rapture?
Does all sickness come from the soul?
Is there a rapture? How many judgments will there be? Does all sickness come from the soul? Does committing a willful sin mean you’re not saved? How and when exactly are we saved? Should I separate from or divorce my husband? It’s been many years of struggle and abuse. If every knee will bow, then […]
How are cremated bodies made new?
What happens to those who were cremated at the return of Christ? Did all of humanity die with Christ? If Adam was created perfect, why was he tempted to become like God? How can I handle the struggles of daily life in a deteriorating living situation?
“Will buses and airplanes crash?”
What is your take on Christ’s return? Will there be a secret rapture? And will some of us be left behind? Tribulation? Final judgment? End times? How do I totally surrender my life to the Lord?
Is your physical body your enemy?
Are there two different meanings of “flesh” in Paul’s letters? Are our physical bodies evil? What does it mean to accept Jesus as “your personal Lord and Savior”? There are many different views of the end times. Would you consider those views to be heresy or “false teaching”?
You WANT to be “left behind”!
What do Seventh Day Adventists believe? Are women allowed to serve or speak in church? I know you teach that the antichrist is not pretending to be Christ, but who is the “wicked one“ or the “man of lawlessness” in 2 Thessalonians? Are we immediately with God when we die? What about what Jesus teaches […]
Secret Rapture? Left Behind? No!
Is the Hebrews 4 rest a physical or spiritual rest? What about keeping the Sabbath? Why does 1 Corinthians 15 mention two kinds of bodies? Are we going to have two bodies? A pastor taught me the return of Christ might go unnoticed by many who are left behind. Could this be true?
Falling over in church? (slain in the Spirit?)
How can we best understand the rapture and the tribulation and the millennium? Are we still under the moral law? How does Jesus live through us? What is New Testament prophecy? Who are those with reprobate minds? Is God really slaying us in the Spirit? Are there new apostles today?
Do you need more faith?
Why do we have to wait a thousand years for God to continue with His plan? Does the Bible support the concept of the Trinity? Why did the Israelites have to look at a bronze serpent to be healed? Should we be concerned with having more faith? What about a Christian who wants to end […]
Is there a secret rapture with some left behind?
Is the return of Christ a secret “rapture” or is it more public and obvious? Is there one return of Christ or two? What is the general order of events at the end of the age? Do we need to re-dedicate our lives to Christ? How should we view a refocus later in life? Do […]
12.25.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
What does John 1 have to say about the humanity and divinity of Jesus? As I get older, I wonder about my purpose and my impact. I have a list of things I want to accomplish, but I fall short. What should I do? Is 1 Thessalonians referring to the return of Christ at a […]
11.10.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Why does God give us choices? Will only some Christians be raptured at Jesus’s return? Is Jesus only the Son of God, or is He actually God also? Why is there an altar mentioned in the Book of Revelation? What about those who think there’ll be future animal sacrifices in a new Temple?