01.10.2025 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Shouldn’t we confess our struggles to God and others? Even though I’m forgiven, I feel regret and remorse over sin. Is this good? What about shame? Is God sovereign? Does He control everything? Is He in control of the universe? My friends reject “once saved, always saved.” What about Judas and the demons? Aren’t they […]
“How do I deal with regret and missing out?”
What do I do with regret over past decisions and the idea of missing out on God’s best? What about rewards? Blessings? Earthly consequences? I have MS, and I take prescription medications for my pain. I wonder if what I’m doing is wrong and if I am failing to keep my promises to God. I […]
03.04.2024 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Why don’t I always feel regret and remorse about sin if I am truly saved? Why does Romans 8:13 say “you must die”? Is it important to be legally married if we’re already married in the eyes of God? How can I share the Gospel with my Jewish friend?
“I’m not living up to God’s expectations!”
Is there any sadness or disappointment in Heaven? Will disputes be settled and bitterness be healed in Heaven? Do angels have bodies like humans? How are our minds renewed? I feel like I’m not living up to God’s expectations. I heard you teach that we don’t need to tithe 10% today. Where do we find […]
12.28.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
I’ve heard that salvation is guaranteed but rewards are not. Is this true? The world says that we learn from failure, not success. To what degree should we believers take this to heart? How does it not become a “shoulda, woulda, coulda” scenario? I’m questioning why God is allowing so many negative circumstances in my […]
08.13.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
What is the purpose of the Sermon on the Mount? Can believers have a hard heart? I sometimes feel a lack of compassion for other people who suffer tragedy. I wonder if there is something wrong with me. My husband is involved with another woman and shows no remorse or regret. What should I do? […]
06.18.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Passages in the Old Testament seem harsh at times. How can I have more faith? Does Hebrews 6 mean I can fall away and lose my salvation? In Matthew 24, who endures and what does that mean? I’ve been divorced and remarried. Am I living in adultery? My boyfriend tried to persuade me to have […]
06.06.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Should we worry about nuclear war? Are there mansions or rooms in heaven? What are the biblical grounds for divorce? If we don’t have to ask for forgiveness, then what should we do when we sin?
04.02.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Should we just keep on sinning since God’s grace will increase? If you harbor certain sins, will God not forgive you? Is Melchizedek an early appearance of Jesus in the Old Testament? Why does 1 John 3 talk about our heart condemning us? What about the prayers of David which include asking for a new […]
05.30.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Is Romans 7 the “normal” Christian life? Are we doomed to nothing but struggle? Is there a difference between regret and guilt? Why does Galatians 5:23 say, “against such things there is no law”? A pastor tried to raise someone from the dead at a funeral, but then decided the dead person wanted to stay […]
05.29.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Is water baptism a requirement for salvation? Why do I second-guess myself all the time and always suffer regret? Would you pray for my daughter who starts chemotherapy tomorrow? I enjoy my relationship with God but find myself constantly attracted to the opposite sex and wonder what God thinks.