“Should Christianity be restful?”

Should Christianity be the most relaxing belief system on earth? Are we really saved forever, no matter what? Do we need to honor the Sabbath day? Might the Centurion who was present at Jesus’ death be saved?

“Try to be more like Christ”?

Should we strive to be like Jesus? How do identity and behavior play out together? Does God harden people’s hearts today? What does it mean to enter God’s “Sabbath rest”?

Secret Rapture? Left Behind? No!

Is the Hebrews 4 rest a physical or spiritual rest? What about keeping the Sabbath? Why does 1 Corinthians 15 mention two kinds of bodies? Are we going to have two bodies? A pastor taught me the return of Christ might go unnoticed by many who are left behind. Could this be true?

01.11.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Do we really have free will? Why does second Corinthians 5:21 say that we “might” become the righteousness of God? Can you explain the Trinity? Which person of the Trinity lives in us? Are believers today obligated to observe the Sabbath?

12.28.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

How is my human spirit different from the Holy Spirit within me? Do I need to “die to self” or get out of God’s way? The real Gospel message is easy and light, and it’s worth celebrating. What does the Parable of the Mustard Seed mean?

05.26.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

What are your thoughts on the “gap theory” of Creation? Does Colossians 3 mean we should live as if diseases don’t exist? Why did God rest on the seventh day? What should I do about my pornography addiction? Am I still saved?

Resting in Christ

Jesus invites us to a spiritual life that He described as “easy and light”, and then He said that we would find “rest for our souls.” And Hebrews tells us that there is a rest for the people of God that will enable us to rest from our works. This rest has got to be […]

11.17.2017 – Andrew Farley Live!

What does the phrase “will be forgiven” mean if all of our sins have been forgiven? Why did Jesus cast demons into pigs? Why did God curse the serpant in the garden? What does it really mean to rest in Christ?

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