“How do I heal from a guilty conscience?”

1 John says we need no one to teach us, but God gave us pastors and teachers. I don’t get it! What do you think about the horrible things that are happening around the world? Is the return of Jesus getting nearer? Which book would you recommend to grasp the basics of God‘s grace? Why […]

“Give thanks in ALL things?”

How can I genuinely give thanks in ALL things? How should we view near-death experiences? Does God meet us in the air before the Tribulation?

“The book of James scares me!”

I’m struggling with doubt and fear. I have questions about James 2 and faith and works. When Jesus returns, is it to take us to Heaven or establish a new Earth? How do I stop being judgmental of others? Should I be talking to my husband about past sexual experiences with other men?

“Is God punishing me?”

How could Jesus not know the timing of His return and still be God? I’m experiencing guilt and anxiety over losing my son. I wonder: Is it God’s punishment for my sins?

Don’t ask God for forgiveness? Thank Him!

Are all humans born in the perfect image of God today? Does Jesus know the time of His return? If we don’t have to ask for God’s forgiveness of each sin, then what about the Lord‘s Prayer?

Should you stop praying after giving it to Jesus?

Should you stop praying after given something to Jesus or continue praying about it? Are we currently in the season of the return of Christ? Can you offer comfort regarding where our deceased loved ones are now, based on John 14? What did Jesus mean by, “You’ve heard it said, but I say”?

“Are there two kinds of tongues?”

What does it mean to be with Jesus where He is? And why did He pray for it? What is the true gift of tongues? Why do we see something else at times in today’s churches? How do I know if I’m being called to serve in ministry?

Flirting with Moses is cheating on Jesus!

Is the millennial reign a literal thousand years or does it symbolize a lengthy period of time? Why are humans uniquely endowed with the ability to choose relationship with God? What does Romans 4 mean concerning those who are “of the Law” and nullifying the promise?

07.07.2024 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

It’s so important to distinguish message from messenger! What about those who never hear the gospel? How are we to understand the issues related to end times? Does Revelation 22 mean there will be no sun or light in heaven, other than God? What is the heart of God toward us? What does He want […]

Sanctified or Not? (Stop the Double Talk!)

If we’re already sanctified, then why does 1 Thessalonians 4 say God’s will is our sanctification? How do we interpret all the New Testament passages that say God will punish those who practice sinful behavior? Does that punishment apply to Christians who struggle with sin? If not, why not? What does it mean to “be […]

You WANT to be “left behind”!

What do Seventh Day Adventists believe? Are women allowed to serve or speak in church? I know you teach that the antichrist is not pretending to be Christ, but who is the “wicked one“ or the “man of lawlessness” in 2 Thessalonians? Are we immediately with God when we die? What about what Jesus teaches […]

Secret Rapture? Left Behind? No!

Is the Hebrews 4 rest a physical or spiritual rest? What about keeping the Sabbath? Why does 1 Corinthians 15 mention two kinds of bodies? Are we going to have two bodies? A pastor taught me the return of Christ might go unnoticed by many who are left behind. Could this be true?

Will some believers be “left behind”? No!

Why is the resurrection of Christ so important? What is the meaning of the Sabbath? Did it exist before the Law? What “form of godliness” that “denies the power” is Paul talking about in 2 Timothy 3? How is it “three days and three nights” if Jesus was crucified on Friday and resurrected on Sunday? […]

07.19.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Does Israel possess a special anointing or blessing related to medicine or technology? How did God give His only begotten Son if He simply went back to Heaven? Do we really give our life to God or does He give His life to us? Will the whole world realize the return of Christ is happening […]

09.12.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Can we lose our faith when we sin? Does Jesus know when He is coming back? What is the narrow gate that leads to life? What is the wide gate that leads to destruction? How do I reconcile contradictions in Jesus’ teachings? What is the meaning of 1 Corinthians 10:12?

08.28.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Can those who miss the return of Christ still be saved later? Is water baptism necessary for salvation? When we sin, do we move out from under God’s protection? How does Romans 8:30 play into predestination? Why did Paul engage in purification rituals in Acts 21? What role does obedience play in salvation? Did Jesus […]

08.23.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Why do Catholic priests wear robes? Why does John write that we need to abide in Christ to not shrink back at His return? I feel like I’ve had two salvation experiences. When was I actually saved? How were people in the Old Testament made right before God?

07.28.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Are the resurrected brought to life for a thousand years before the return of Christ? Today, I spent two hours telling a stranger about God’s grace, and it’s already helping his marriage. Is there a first, second, and third heaven? How do we respond to those who follow modern-day prophets making outrageous claims?

08.21.2016b – Andrew Farley Live!

Is it a sin to play a lotto ticket? Was the prodigal son a Christian? Does Hebrews 6 mean we can lose our salvation? What are your thoughts on “where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst”?

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