“I’m afraid of dying!”
Is there a point of no return for believers? How can I overcome my fear of dying? Why does Jesus say he will spew some out of His mouth in the book of Revelation? Does that mean loss of salvation?
Do we gain or lose heavenly rewards?*
How do we know when God is disciplining us? Does 1 Corinthians 3 mean we might be losing rewards? Why does Jesus say we need to purchase gold from Him in Revelation 3? Who is being described in Romans 1 when it says they have a depraved mind and God gave them over? *previously aired
Why go to church?
Do I need to go to church more consistently? Who are the people with “soiled garments” in Revelation 3? My mother passed away last week, and I’m not sure that I’m making enough time for God right now. What are your thoughts?
Do we gain or lose heavenly rewards?
How do we know when God is disciplining us? Does 1 Corinthians 3 mean we might be losing rewards? Why does Jesus say we need to purchase gold from Him in Revelation 3? Who is being described in Romans 1 when it says they have a depraved mind and God gave them over?
The Obedience of Faith
Are Christians permitted to divorce and remarry? Does the New Testament really say we are forgiven – past, present and future? Why does Hebrews 5 say that only those who obey Jesus are eternally secure? Who are the “lukewarm” people that are rebuked in Revelation 3?
11.05.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Does Ezekiel 3 mean I should feel guilty for not warning the wicked? What are the “greater things” that Jesus said we’d do? What are the battle of Gog and Magog about? Why does God warn about being “lukewarm”? A former pastor in our town seems to be taking advantage of others. Is it okay […]
01.10.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
What is your take on psychology, medicine, and therapy? I’m scared I might be a lukewarm Christian. Might God one day tell me, “Depart from Me”?
10.24.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Should women be serving as pastors, deacons, or leaders? Or should they remain quiet? What’s the difference between “presenting yourselves” to God and “presenting your members” to God? Do the warnings to the seven churches in Revelation contradict the message of Grace?
09.27.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
How should we interpret God’s warnings in the first three chapters of Revelation? Why don’t we see all churches in the same area come together and worship?
Will God spit believers out for being lukewarm?
Emily wrote in to ask, “Why does Jesus say He will spit us out if we are lukewarm?”
05.25.2017 – Andrew Farley Live!
Why does Jesus say He will spit us out if we are lukewarm? What is limited atonement all about, and what are your thoughts on it? Are there two different judgments, and is heaven going to be the same for everyone? What are your thoughts on generational curses?