Positional vs. Relational Forgiveness?

Is the idea of “relational forgiveness“ biblical? Do I need to get re-baptized? Can lazy Christians lose their salvation? What does it mean to pray in Jesus’ name? Should we follow preachers who teach loss of salvation? I got sprinkled instead of immersed. Does that count?

“I want to know Jesus as my Savior!”

How do I guide my teenagers to live in peace with their grandmother who falls short of their expectations? How can I know if Christ lives in me? How can I receive Christ as my Savior?

“Can I be saved yet addicted?”

How exactly does God’s perfect love cast out our fear? Who were some of your mentors? Did God kill Ananias and Sapphira? What can we glean from their deaths in Acts? I have struggled with alcohol addiction for so long that I wonder if I’m truly saved. What do you think?

“How should we view the Book of Revelation?”

Please explain what you teach about altars and altar calls. A pastor I know claims that “once saved, always saved” is not in the Bible. Is that true? What is the “preterist” view of the Book of Revelation? Does it have any merit? How was Jesus heard by thousands of people at one time without […]

“Should Christianity be restful?”

Should Christianity be the most relaxing belief system on earth? Are we really saved forever, no matter what? Do we need to honor the Sabbath day? Might the Centurion who was present at Jesus’ death be saved?

“Saved” Means SAVED!

I’m praying for a new revelation. How long does it take to know Jesus? What should I do about a church leadership that is pressuring me? Should I be concerned about generational curses or generational sins? Can women be leaders in church? Is “once saved, always saved” actually true?

“Am I really saved?”

What about people who’ve never heard the gospel? How should we view Israel and the church? Are we descendants from Isaac or Ishmael? How can I know if God’s Spirit lives in me? Am I really saved if I still continue to struggle with sin? What does Psalm 92 mean about trees and maturity? What […]

Salvation without water baptism?

Can we be saved without water baptism? If I don’t have to ask for forgiveness each time, then what should I do when I sin? Why did Jesus say, “My time has not yet come”? What are your thoughts on the song, “Better Than a Hallelujah”? Is it sacrilegious?

“What’s happening in Heaven right now?”

What are people doing in Heaven right now? My son died of a drug overdose, and I wonder where he is now. Can I know? My friend is trying to pressure me into sex. Is he husband material? What does “many are called, but few are chosen” really mean?

“The same sin over and over again?”

Can unbelievers forgive other people? Is there an advantage for believers? If I struggle with the same sin over and over, am I not really saved? What exactly happened between David and Bathsheba? What does the life of David tell us about God‘s mercy and love?

“Is it okay to listen to false teachers?”

Is the return of Christ secretive or public? Does the final judgment come later? I can barely pay my rent, yet I feel pressure to tithe. Should I? Is it okay to listen carefully to false teachers to glean bits of truth? Why do I have dreams that I’m losing my salvation?

When tradition isn’t truth…

Is our response to the Gospel a “religious work” or an act of faith? What can I do about men who are looking at me? My sons have recently joined the Orthodox church. What are your thoughts? Why do so many end up dating unbelievers and sleeping around? Do we believers wrestle with God, or […]

“I get perverted thoughts and doubt my salvation!”

Will Christians give an account to God? What is Hebrews 4:13 about? Did Paul disobey God in Acts 18 by going to Asia against His instruction? Is this why Paul was stricken with a difficult circumstance? Might God do the same to us if we disobey? Who is the false prophet in Revelation 2? Could […]

“Does it keep you up at night?”

Does it keep you up at night that some people believe the opposite: that we can lose our salvation? My son committed suicide, and I wonder if he is with the Lord. What are your thoughts? Sometimes I doubt my salvation. Is that a sign I’m not truly saved? My daughter has decided the Orthodox […]

“Seek to please God? If so, how?”

Are we pleasing to God? Do we also need to seek to please Him? Can a believer take the Mark of the Beast? I’m a biker that’s rough around the edges. Sometimes I feel out of place at my church. What does God think? What does salvation mean? Is the Holy Spirit ever removed from […]

“I’ve been doubting a lot lately!”

What kind of marriage ceremony is enough for me and my fiancé? Why does Ephesians say that Jesus “descended”? Where to? Lately, I’ve been experiencing an intensity of doubts. What should I do? My new daughter-in-law’s family was offended at my wedding speech. How should I handle this?

“Why will we judge angels?”

What is “repentance toward God”? Why are believers going to judge the angels? My friends tell me to keep the Sabbath. Are they right? Where was Jesus for three days after He died? If God forgave all my sins, why would I be judged for them?

“Do more. Be more. Try harder.”

What do the different soils represent in the Parable of the Sower? If my kids are saved, will they eventually stop what they’re doing? Our pastor seems to convert every sermon into a call to do more for God. What should we do?

“Shouldn’t I have overcome my addiction by now?”

How should I approach dating as a believer? I’m still married (legally) but would like to possibly marry someone else now. What should I do? I question my salvation due to my ongoing addiction to prescription drugs. Shouldn’t I have overcome my addiction by now if I’m truly saved?

“How can I deal with anxiety?”

Is the whole world saved? Is the whole world forgiven? Does the whole world have the Holy Spirit? What does the Bible say about worry and anxiety?

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