EPIC: High-Impact Truths in the New Testament – Part 19

Judgment Day: Should believers be nervous?

Judgment Day – sounds intense, right? But should believers be biting their nails? Not a chance! In our EPIC series finale, we dive into Revelation 20-21, where the dead are judged, and the Book of Life takes center stage.

Revelation paints a vivid picture of two groups with two very different outcomes. While unbelievers face judgment, believers are welcomed into a new reality where God wipes away every tear. We’ll see other New Testament passages that affirm this, showing one judgment with two distinct paths.

Plus, 1 Corinthians 6 reveals your role in the final judgment, and it’s not what you might expect. Click through to watch and transform your view of Judgement Day – you’ll discover why you can face the future with confidence and joy!

Discussion Questions for Revelation:

  1. Read Revelation 20:11-13. Who are the dead? Where do they come from? Why is this important?
  2. Read verses 12 and 15. React to this statement: If you’re in the Book of Life, then your deeds are not in the (other) books.
  3. Read verses 14-15. What happens to the dead who are judged? What is the clear-cut criterion?
  4. Read Revelation 21:1-4. How does this chapter introduce a new group with a totally different experience? What does God say to them?
  5. Read 2 Corinthians 5:10. Do unbelievers have good deeds? Will believers be “recompensed” (paid back) for bad deeds (sins)? Therefore, how does 2 Corinthians 5:10 align with Revelation in terms of there being two groups with two different outcomes?
  6. Likewise, how does Matthew 25 align with the above passages in terms of there being one judgment, two groups, and two outcomes?
  7. What does 1 Corinthians 6 say about your role at the final judgment? How might this transform your view of those events? What does this make you feel?

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