Triumph in Trials – Part 3

Are You Working Out What God’s Working In You?

Ever feel like life’s a relentless rollercoaster of ups, downs, and loop-de-loops? What if you could approach each twist with a radically fresh mindset? Philippians 2 doesn’t just paint God as a distant helper – it reveals Him as your very life source. In Him, you’re not just surviving – you’re thriving from a place of unshakable union.

Imagine God at work within you, shaping your desires and actions to align with His purpose. As Christ’s mindset pulses through you, confidence in His provision and a genuine concern for others start to flow effortlessly – not as obligations, but as natural expressions of who you already are.

Curious about transforming your trials into undeniable triumphs? Click to watch and explore how living from your union with Christ fuels everything you do, lighting up the world with His love through you!

Discussion Questions for Philippians 2:

  1. Read verse 3. How does genuine humility happen? How does humility reflect the heart of the Gospel?
  2. Read verses 4-5. How does looking out for the interests of others start to happen in our lives? How can we have this mindset?
  3. Read verses 6-8. What does it mean that Christ “emptied Himself”? What do you think God is trying to tell us through this?
  4. Read verses 9-11. Why is the exaltation of Christ significant to our understanding of His nature and place in our lives? What does it mean that Jesus is Lord?
  5. Read verse 12 and react to this statement: Work out what God has worked in!
  6. Read verse 13 and react to this statement: God doesn’t just cause us to “do” but also to “will” (or want) what He wants.
  7. Read verses 14-16. From a grace perspective, how do we shine as “lights in the world”? And what does it mean to hold fast to the word of life?
  8. Read verses 17-18. What does “poured out as a drink offering” mean? How can we share in joy as we encourage and build one another up?

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