The main focus isn’t “stop sinning”?
God‘s main goal isn’t to get us to stop sinning? What is the “little book” in Revelation 10? I have failed a few times at a Bible reading plan. What is your advice? What are your thoughts on respectfully disagreeing on doctrine? Our son was killed a year ago, and my wife and I are […]
“How can I be more patient?”
I need encouragement to read the Bible. Can you help me? I struggle with patience and wonder if you have any thoughts on it. In John 16, what kind of things did Jesus mean would be revealed later?
“Slain in the Spirit? Is there a gas leak?”
How did Jesus live 33 years without sinning? Did the way of salvation get narrower or wider after Jesus? Who is invited? Is “slain in the spirit” a biblical concept? Do we need to call God and Jesus by their Hebrew names? Why are there so many Bible versions? Why does the King James Bible […]
Set your mind?
What does it mean to set your mind on things above? Why aren’t we required to keep the Sabbath? Should we be praying to the Holy Spirit, asking Him to give the Word power?
“Is it okay to live together?”
Is it okay for Christian couples to live together without being married? How did King Saul really die? Is there a discrepancy in the Old Testament about his death? Is it really possible to use the name of Jesus yet not know Him? Why does Jesus say “Depart from Me” to some people?
“Witnessing” by the Spirit
Do you have information on Jesus‘s life between age 12 and 30? What does “help meet” mean in Genesis 2:18? How can I know God is actually listening to my prayers? What does the Bible say about gold-diggers? I’m remarried now, and my husband’s children will not accept me. What can I do? I’ve struggled […]
“How do you know you’re right about God’s grace?”
How do you know that a grace-centered perspective is the most accurate interpretation of the Gospel? Why does Jesus tell some people “depart from Me”? How does God view your spirit, your soul, and your body? Is your body evil? Or is it holy?
“My life is filled with failure”
What is the meaning of the cross? It’s hard for me to believe that Jesus loves me, because my life is filled with failure. Can you encourage me?
02.13.2024 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Why does the New Testament say no one has seen God if He appeared to people in the Old Testament? Does the Bible contradict itself? What does it mean to not love things of this world? How do you know when you’ve come to trust God?
The Bible’s not really about good and evil!
Is the Bible really a book about good and evil? Or does it contain another message? I love my son, but he’s been abusive in some ways, so I wonder about healthy boundaries. Do you have any New Testament commentary content available now? If so, how can we access it? We just started a coffee […]
No Condemnation for Some Christians- Or All?
Should I pray to the Father, the Son, or the Holy Spirit? I’ve been praying for my friend and so far there’s no healing. What should I do? I’m worried there will be “woe upon me” if I don’t fulfill my calling as a preacher! Is the King James Version the one and only – […]
Not enough faith to be healed?
I want to understand the Bible better, but where should I start? Also, how do I find verses on a particular struggle? What do you think about “not having enough faith to be healed”? What are your thoughts on the death penalty? What does it mean to “work out your salvation with fear and trembling”? […]
11.08.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
I’ve struggled with anxiety for most of my life. What are your thoughts on therapy? My wife has been unfaithful in multiple ways and is unwilling to get counseling with me. Am I letting God down if I get a divorce? Have you visited to ask your question?
10.31.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
I experience blasphemous thoughts and wonder if I’m ruining my salvation. I can sing the Bible! Is it okay for children to dress up and go out for candy today? Why does the Lord’s Prayer say, “Lead us not into temptation”? I thought God didn’t tempt us! Why do we put the Old Testament with […]
10.03.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Can apostasy really happen to a Christian? Ask any question at What about a so-called Christian who walks away and has a sinful lifestyle for the rest of his life?
09.29.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Who are the rulers and authorities mentioned in Ephesians? Which version of the Bible is the most accurate or reliable? What’s going on with the parable about the wedding clothes? What about the virgins who had no oil in their lamps?
07.23.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
What is the doctrine of election? How much does your education affect your study of the Bible? How do we really put on the armor of God? Does Acts 13:48 support individual selection of some to be saved? What should we think about near-death experiences? What does “God swore by Himself” really mean? How do […]
07.20.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
How did Jesus not lose anyone given to Him if Judas went to Hell? Did Jesus go to Hell for three days? How do you grieve the death of a parent when you’re twelve years old? Where does it actually say we’ll be reunited with our loved ones in Heaven? How did the books of […]
06.22.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Are Bible translations and versions the same thing? Is the King James Version the best? Did other versions come from the King James Version? I’ve been diagnosed with cancer and only have months to live. I struggle with anger and would like you to pray for me and my family.
01.01.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
What do you do about doubts concerning salvation? What are the “various kinds of tongues” in 1 Corinthians 12? Can Christians get tattoos? What do we say to people who claim the Bible isn’t true because of the age of the Earth? What kind of amends should I try to make for the hurt I […]