Let Jesus serve you?

Why does 1 Peter 4:1 say “ceased from sin”? How can this be? Are Catholics believers? What is the gospel of the kingdom? How can the church of today have a better focus? Isn’t the message of “foot washing” just as important as the blood and resurrection? Can you explain the mansions in heaven? What […]

When tradition isn’t truth…

Is our response to the Gospel a “religious work” or an act of faith? What can I do about men who are looking at me? My sons have recently joined the Orthodox church. What are your thoughts? Why do so many end up dating unbelievers and sleeping around? Do we believers wrestle with God, or […]

Replacement Theology? Catholicism? Pentecostalism?

Can women speak in church? Can they serve as leaders? What is replacement theology? What’s the truth about Jews and Gentiles in the church? I asked my friend about Catholic confirmation, and it feels like he’s now shunning me. How do you know your calling? I want to date a Catholic woman, but I’m not […]

“What happens upon Jesus’s return?”

I’m concerned about my Catholic relatives and friends. Are some of them saved? Will believers and unbelievers be together on the new earth after Christ’s return? I don’t understand why the church doesn’t do more to fight sin in our world!

Does home church or online church not “count”?

Why does Paul mention defilement of flesh and spirit if we cannot be spiritually defiled as believers? Is the Roman Catholic church the one true church? My brother is a minister, and he is sleeping with multiple women and involved in substance abuse. What should I do? Some say that home church or online church […]

“Am I surrendered enough?”

Someone told me that our guide is the Holy Spirit, not Jesus. What are your thoughts? I want to help my Catholic brother come to know Jesus as his Savior. How can I explain the gospel? If someone is angry at God because their child has died, how can I help them? I feel like […]

“How do I walk by the Spirit? How do I offer my body to God?”

What does it mean to walk by the Spirit? Which person of the Trinity should I pray to? Do we need to ask for the Holy Spirit to be saved? What happens when we die? Do we see Jesus right away or are we asleep? Can women speak in church or must they always remain […]

Turn children or visitors away from communion?

Why do a variety of churches practice communion differently? Is church membership biblical? What does it mean to be not of this world? I argue with my friend about the Catholic view of transubstantiation. What are your thoughts? Why does God reference Able’s blood crying out? Are people who are murdered given another chance in […]

Still under “the moral Law”?

What does it mean to grieve the Spirit? Why does James say we all stumble when Peter says there’s a way not to stumble? Why do so many church people judge others? Does the bread and wine become the body and blood of Christ? Where does Catholicism get things wrong when it comes to forgiveness? […]

09.08.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

How can I communicate the Gospel to my father who is a lapsed Catholic? Why aren’t more Christians out in the streets evangelizing? What is the “balance” between loving your life and hating your life (John 12:25)?

05.11.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

What is the context of John 20:23? Should human priests be forgiving sins? What is binding and loosing? Who gets a new name in Heaven? How should we view the “woke” or cancel culture? How do we know what is okay to say and do and what’s not?

02.19.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

How is the heart different from the soul? Does either one need improvement over time to be acceptable to God? How do I talk to people about law and grace? What do Catholics believe about the Eucharist? Will there be another opportunity to believe after death or after “the rapture”?

11.29.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Are Catholics right about Matthew 16:18 and Peter being the rock and first Pope upon which the church is built? We became obedient from the heart… is that referring to our spirit or our soul? How do we know what we are believing is accurate when there are so many differences between Bible versions?

08.23.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Why do Catholic priests wear robes? Why does John write that we need to abide in Christ to not shrink back at His return? I feel like I’ve had two salvation experiences. When was I actually saved? How were people in the Old Testament made right before God?

07.05.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

I grew up Catholic and feel like God is never happy with me. Can you help? I’ve been taught that I should divorce my current wife and go back to my first wife or I won’t be saved? Can a believer backslide and lose their salvation?

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