How do I deal with sexual lust?
Does God care about denominations? Do certain groups have no chance of salvation? How do I deal with sexual lust? Why does Jesus say, “Stop sinning or something worse will happen to you?”
Is there one final judgment or two?
Are there always earthly consequences for our actions? How do we stay “positive” about God even in the midst of them? Is there one final judgment or two? What does 2 Corinthians 5:10 mean when it says “we must all appear” and then it speaks of being “recompensed”?
Old Testament violence? Ouch!
How do we reconcile Old Testament violence with the message of Jesus today? What does James 2 mean when it says three times that we are “justified by works”? (We can’t ignore the presence of this phrase, and we must wrestle with it.) Why does James 5 say we will come under judgment if we […]
“No sacrifice left?”
Why did Jesus say “go and sin no more” if He knew we’d still sin? What does Hebrews 10 really mean when it says there’s no sacrifice left for those who sin willfully? Why does God allow autism? Which of the Old Testament laws still apply today?
“How do I deal with regret and missing out?”
What do I do with regret over past decisions and the idea of missing out on God’s best? What about rewards? Blessings? Earthly consequences? I have MS, and I take prescription medications for my pain. I wonder if what I’m doing is wrong and if I am failing to keep my promises to God. I […]
“Did I take the mark of the beast?”
Are all sins equal? What about consequences? And what about judgment and punishment? I drank an energy drink, and now I’m afraid I took the mark of the beast! I visit church services of many denominations, and I wonder what’s most important to look for in a church?
“You’re ignoring the consequences of sin!”
My friend says Jesus is helping him keep the Sermon on the Mount. How would you respond to him? He also says we Christians have a deceitfully wicked heart and that we are still the old self. What are your thoughts? Andrew, I think you’re misunderstanding people and not accounting for their struggle and the […]
03.21.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Do we need to pray daily for forgiveness? Is God punishing us with earthly consequences? Can women serve as elders? Should communion be closed? Should we try to die to self?
01.27.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Can you help me understand why Jesus would have something against a church in Revelation if He keeps no records of our wrongs? If a believer starts to do every evil thing, will they lose their salvation or their reward? How do I enter God’s rest and live by grace?
07.24.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Is “nothing can snatch us from God’s hand” a conditional statement? Do all sins have repercussions? Do believers still sin? Why did He tell Mary Magdalene not to hold onto Him? What does “prepare a table in the presence of my enemies” mean? Who can give and receive communion? What is “God’s plan” for my […]
06.07.2015 – Andrew Farley Live!
What does repent mean? What does John 10:27-29 mean? What does Philippians 2:12 mean when it says “work out our salvation?” Are there consequences to our sin under grace? Can I lose my salvation? What happens if you are luke warm? What is the difference between sin and the enemy? What does it mean in John 15 about the branches who don’t […]