“You sin more under the Ten Commandments!”
What is antinomianism? How can I respond to those who think I’m a “Law hater”? What does it mean to be filled with the Spirit? How should we respond to Deuteronomy which tells us not to enter the house of the Lord empty-handed? What about tithing? New Testament giving?
“Did James understand salvation by faith?”
Did James understand grace? Did he disagree with Paul? Was James “zealous for the law”? Did James teach “certain men” to be legalistic?
“How can I be a better parent?”
How should we view the Beatitudes in Matthew 5? Do they refer to the church? Or are they Law-based? My kids engage in a ton of sibling rivalry. How can I be a better parent? My pastor is constantly chastising and disciplining us. I wonder: Is this Biblical?
Ten Commandments? Pentecostalism?
Why is it so difficult for people to accept that the Ten Commandments are not for believers today? What is the history of Pentecostalism? What are the false beliefs within it?
Is godliness vague without the Law?*
How do we define sin without the Law? How do we live the Christian life without depending on the Ten Commandments? Did Jesus have any fallenness about Him? Did Jesus restore us to a condition closer to that of Adam and Eve? Why are some people using Ecclesiastes 10:2 to talk about American politics? What […]
The Law – Fulfilled, Not Abolished?
Why did Jesus not abolish the Law but only fulfill it? Do Christians need to tithe 10% today? 1 Kings 8:7 talks about the cherubim spreading their wings over the ark. What is the significance of that? What does life after death look like?
Is godliness vague without the Law?
How do we define sin without the Law? How do we live the Christian life without depending on the Ten Commandments? Did Jesus have any fallenness about Him? Did Jesus restore us to a condition closer to that of Adam and Eve? Why are some people using Ecclesiastes 10:2 to talk about American politics? What […]
More Grace = More Godliness
Did Jesus only fulfill some of the Law? Did we believers only die to some of the Law? What are the “good intentions” of those who teach Law-based living and rule-keeping? How about those who teach we can lose our salvation? My friend doesn’t want to hear me say anything about the Old Testament. Help! […]
Only 144,000 Christians in Heaven?
Who are the 144,000 people mentioned in the book of Revelation? How do I address issues such as gender when my kids are hearing so many different things at school? Why does James reference the Old Testament law so much in chapter 2? I was a lukewarm Christian, but now I’m serious again. Should I […]
“It’s not even me. It’s sin doing it!”
What kind of repentance does it really take to be saved? How can we be “perfected for all time” if we still sin? If we are not under the Law, then why does the New Testament still mention “commandments” for believers? What is the power called “sin” in Genesis 4? And how does it relate […]
Are the Ten Commandments still in effect for believers?
Are the Ten Commandments still in effect for believers? Does Revelation 3 contain warnings to Christians, or unbelievers, or both? Should I consider reconstruction after a double mastectomy, or is that vanity? Is it biblical to resist globalization and a one-world economy or government?
Have spiritual gifts ceased today?
Why do you say there are two kinds of sanctification? Is it possible to be saved and be radically confused about the Law? Are pastors the only ones who can have the gift of healing? Are the gifts of the Spirit still around today? Why does Solomon say there’s nothing new under the sun in […]
The Law is “not too difficult”? (Deuteronomy 30)
What does Deuteronomy 30 say the Law is “not too difficult”? Can you explain the two kinds of sanctification? Did Adam and Eve realize the full effects of what they had done? Is self-improvement really a sin?
Flirting with Moses is cheating on Jesus!
Is the millennial reign a literal thousand years or does it symbolize a lengthy period of time? Why are humans uniquely endowed with the ability to choose relationship with God? What does Romans 4 mean concerning those who are “of the Law” and nullifying the promise?
Keep the Christian life simple!
Which commandments do we need to follow in the Bible? Can you explain Ephesians 5 concerning coarse jesting and immorality? What is the “simplicity of Christ” that Paul talks about? How can we avoid straying from it?
“Exorcism isn’t enough!”
Why didn’t God give us the new covenant from the start? What is the unpardonable sin? What about Christians who just continue in sin? What was Jesus trying to say in Luke 11 about demon possession? How can we effectively witness to those who don’t believe in the Bible? Is it wrong for me to […]
“I saw Christians in Hell!”
How should we interpret near-death experiences where they go to Heaven or Hell and come back? Why did a woman need to prophesy with her head covered in 1 Corinthians 11? I had a friend terminate our relationship because of my view on law and grace. Can a person be saved yet confused on that?
How do we define sin without the Law?
Did Demas lose his salvation because he loved the world? I struggle with a sin consciousness and often doubt my salvation. Can you help? Our Bible study group is studying Romans, and I’m wondering how to teach law and grace, especially when it comes to how we define sin today?
“My friend said Jesus fulfilled PART of the Law!”
Did Jesus only fulfill a portion of the Law? Is Hebrews 8:13 only referring to the sacrificial laws? What kind of repentance did the Jews (and Gentiles) need in Acts 2:38? My wife and I divorced a year ago, and I now wonder what God thinks and if I’m free to remarry. How does the […]
“No sacrifice left?”
Why did Jesus say “go and sin no more” if He knew we’d still sin? What does Hebrews 10 really mean when it says there’s no sacrifice left for those who sin willfully? Why does God allow autism? Which of the Old Testament laws still apply today?