“Saved” Means SAVED!
I’m praying for a new revelation. How long does it take to know Jesus? What should I do about a church leadership that is pressuring me? Should I be concerned about generational curses or generational sins? Can women be leaders in church? Is “once saved, always saved” actually true?
You’re safe. The enemy is all bark and no bite!
What “newness” will you celebrate in the New Year? Is God truly sovereign? Does this mean we cannot do anything to prolong our lives? Can spiritual leaders be abusive? If so, how exactly? Can the enemy interfere with our prayers? Can he read our minds?
Replacement Theology? Catholicism? Pentecostalism?
Can women speak in church? Can they serve as leaders? What is replacement theology? What’s the truth about Jews and Gentiles in the church? I asked my friend about Catholic confirmation, and it feels like he’s now shunning me. How do you know your calling? I want to date a Catholic woman, but I’m not […]
Does home church or online church not “count”?
Why does Paul mention defilement of flesh and spirit if we cannot be spiritually defiled as believers? Is the Roman Catholic church the one true church? My brother is a minister, and he is sleeping with multiple women and involved in substance abuse. What should I do? Some say that home church or online church […]
Is there a spiritual Sabbath today?
Why don’t Christians follow the Law? What does “leaders who will give an account” mean in Hebrews 13? When is the Sabbath today? When should we gather to worship?
No Condemnation for Some Christians- Or All?
Should I pray to the Father, the Son, or the Holy Spirit? I’ve been praying for my friend and so far there’s no healing. What should I do? I’m worried there will be “woe upon me” if I don’t fulfill my calling as a preacher! Is the King James Version the one and only – […]
07.02.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
What is grace? Can women be church leaders? If I’m divorced and then remarry, is that adultery? Is marriage important strictly in the eyes of God? Or do governmental regulations matter too?
01.15.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
What is the meaning of “high standing” and “great confidence” in 1 Timothy 3:13? What is meant by Matthew 22:14: “For many are called, but few are chosen.” I’m having a hard time with when to keep the Sabbath. I’ve had horrible thoughts about the Lord, and it’s hard for me to believe I’m forgiven […]
10.24.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Should women be serving as pastors, deacons, or leaders? Or should they remain quiet? What’s the difference between “presenting yourselves” to God and “presenting your members” to God? Do the warnings to the seven churches in Revelation contradict the message of Grace?