Don’t ask God for forgiveness? Thank Him!

Are all humans born in the perfect image of God today? Does Jesus know the time of His return? If we don’t have to ask for God’s forgiveness of each sin, then what about the Lord‘s Prayer?

Forgive to be forgiven? Justified by works?

What kind of repentance actually saves? How should we view the Lord’s Prayer if believers are already forgiven? Why does James 2 say “justified by works” three times? Who was Melchizedek and why is he mentioned in the Old and New Testaments? Do we lose our painful memories when we get to Heaven?

10.31.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

I experience blasphemous thoughts and wonder if I’m ruining my salvation. I can sing the Bible! Is it okay for children to dress up and go out for candy today? Why does the Lord’s Prayer say, “Lead us not into temptation”? I thought God didn’t tempt us! Why do we put the Old Testament with […]

06.20.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Can a person be a Christian but still not find the narrow way? I was the victim of a violent and brutal crime that has affected me my whole life. I can’t seem to find forgiveness for this person. Is my salvation in jeopardy because I can’t forgive them?

05.25.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Can you elaborate on the reason why we don’t need to recite the Lord’s Prayer? Why are there so many denominations? It seems like we should be finding our identity in Christ instead. If all of our sins have been forgiven, then why does Hebrews say we will not see God without holiness? What does […]

05.24.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Why don’t we need to recite the Lord’s Prayer? My friends believe in guaranteed healing- that God wants to heal everyone. What should I tell them? If we are once saved, always saved, then what is the meaning of the Parable of the Sower?

05.23.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

How does God view the church today? Does He see us as lazy, falling asleep, and passive? The Lord’s Prayer says one must ask for forgiveness. Is this the way for believers today to continually be more forgiven? Why does the prayer sound so conditional?

04.14.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

What is the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit? Is it an unforgivable sin that Christians can commit? How do I put on the full armor of God? If I have been divorced, can I remarry? Or is it adultery? Do we have to ask forgiveness for each sin? Isn’t that what the Lord’s Prayer teaches?

03.30.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

I’ve been told I’m robbing God if I don’t tithe 10%. Am I a thief? If we are totally forgiven of all our sins no matter what, then why did Jesus say if we don’t forgive others then God won’t forgive us?

02.05.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

How do you answer those who deny Jesus’ deity and the Trinity? Should the Lord’s Prayer be recited? What is the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit? Is it an unforgivable sin the Christian might commit? Why does Titus say elders must be “above reproach”? Can women speak or serve in the church?

07.17.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Should we focus on pointing out unbelievers’ sins? How does the Lord’s Prayer fit with the believer’s total forgiveness? Our son wants to leave his military service. What should I tell him? You seem to be the only teacher I know who doesn’t have an “or else” clause. In 1 Corinthians 14, what does “pray […]

05.08.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

How involved should we be in politics? Is God more likely to answer a prayer with “yes” if more people pray? Why are we taught to ask for forgiveness if “it is finished”? How do I get rid of bad thoughts? Can you talk about guilt, shame, and anxiety? What about the Lord’s Prayer- shouldn’t […]

04.20.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Should unbelievers take the Lord’s Supper? What about children? What is God’s discipline? Is God “breaking” us? What is intercession? Isn’t Jesus interceding to show us how to grow in God’s grace? Why does James 5:16 say we should confess our sins to one another?

01.31.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Will there be any regret in Heaven? Will we see and recognize our loved ones? Why does the Lord’s Prayer contain “lead us not into temptation”?Was Simon the Sorcerer a true believer? Can you be a Christian and not have the Holy Spirit yet?

01.24.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Where does Paul’s Romans 11 quote about “a spirit of stupor” come from? What does it mean? My son passed away a year ago. Will I see and recognize him in Heaven? If Christians don’t forgive other people, does God not forgive their sins?

The Sermon on the Mount and the Lord’s Prayer

Matthew 5 and 6 present us with the Sermon on the Mount and the Lord’s Prayer. Both of these contain teachings that are not merely difficult but impossible: Cut off your hand in your fight against sin? Pluck out your eye too? Get right with others before giving your sacrifice on the altar? You’ll be […]

01.08.2018 – Andrew Farley Live!

Are we forgiven only if we forgive others first? Is it ever healthy to examine your life or your attitudes? What are your thoughts on God’s judgment already having happened in 70 A.D.? What does “let him be accursed” mean for preachers of another gospel?

11.13.2016c – Andrew Farley Live!

How does the Lord’s prayer fit into total forgiveness? We are a part of a church that doesn’t teach the grace message, what do we do? Is everyone saved? Are there christians who are not forgiven? Can a believer sin?

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