04.14.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

What does it mean to be close to God? What is the wrath of God? What does the New Testament gift of prophecy really look like? What is a biblical perspective on Lent? I feel guilty going to the casino with my husband. What should I do?

Prophesy and Tongues

This time of year, many of us may think about gift-giving and gift-receiving. So it’s not a bad time to think about the spiritual gifts that God has given to edify His church! But are spiritual gifts still around today or have they ceased? And if they still exist today, how should we view gifts […]

05.24.2017 – Andrew Farley Live!

Concerning the judgment seat of Christ, are we going to be judged for our sins? Are there any prophecies that remain to be fulfilled before Christ returns? What are your thoughts on the war and the plagues that take place in Revelation 9? Is it okay to celebrate the Lord’s Supper by yourself? Does God […]

05.15.2016c – Andrew Farley Live!

What are your thoughts on an individual who suffers from a mental illness and cannot comprehend the gospel, how does God see that? Do babies go to heaven? What does 2 Corinthians 6:17, “be separate,” mean? What are your thoughts on the abundant life?

03.08.2015 – Andrew Farley Live!

What happened in Noah’s tent when it says his son saw his father’s nakedness? What does prophecy look like under the new covenant? Do we have an obligation to the Jewish people? How do you understand Romans 14:23? What does it mean to worship in spirit and in truth? Do I have to tithe 10 percent in order for God […]

12.28.2014 – Andrew Farley Live!

Does the Spirit cause you to lose control? What is prophecy under the New Covenant? Do you have to put your hands on someone when you pray for them? What is your take on the rapture? What does it mean that Jesus increased in stature and wisdom?    

05.18.2014 – Andrew Farley Live!

Is baptism necessary for salvation? Can prophets be called? Do we get a greater rank if we tithe more? I don’t feel like I’m saved because I sin a lot, any thoughts? What is the purpose of prophecy? Is it for today? How do you explain the trinity?

05.19.2013 – Andrew Farley Live!

Is baptism necessary for salvation? Can prophets be called? Do we get a greater rank if we tithe more? I don’t feel like I’m saved because I sin a lot, any thoughts? What is the purpose of prophecy? Is it for today? How do you explain the trinity?

12.02.2012 – Andrew Farley Live!

Are we supposed to feel saved? What’s the harm of holding on to the view that you can lose your salvation? What did Paul’s thorn in the flesh mean? Can God blot me out of the book of life? What are your thoughts on end of the world prophecies?

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