“Why not just sin if we’re totally forgiven?”

Why not just sin if we’re totally forgiven? Is there a second baptism of the Holy Spirit that includes tongues? When do you receive the Spirit – at salvation or later? Are both men and women made in God’s image? I’m born again now, and I wonder if I should continue to go to my […]

Deny yourself? Not if you’re the new self!

Does our old self die when we believe? Does the Holy Spirit live in me or does Christ live in me? Why does Paul give instruction about women’s clothing but not men’s? What do you mean by “you can be yourself and express Jesus at the exact same time”?

Don’t deny yourself. Be yourself!

Do we need to take up our cross and follow Jesus into death every day as a means of discipleship? Why did Paul warn the Corinthians against receiving the grace of God “in vain”? Can women serve as leaders in church?

12.10.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Why did Corinthian women need to cover their heads? Do unbelievers also have “eternal life” in Hell? I disagree with you: Tithing is for today! Also, if everyone stopped tithing, how would our churches survive? Was Jesus born in Adam? Was Jesus really born on December 25?

11.26.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Is baptism required for salvation? My church teaches tithing, so is that the truth? Is God judging the United States? Can women speak in church? Did God use my law-based past to help me understand His grace better? Are we all God’s children? How do I know if I’m using my freedom to indulge the […]

02.05.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

How do you answer those who deny Jesus’ deity and the Trinity? Should the Lord’s Prayer be recited? What is the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit? Is it an unforgivable sin the Christian might commit? Why does Titus say elders must be “above reproach”? Can women speak or serve in the church?

12.21.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

I was a miserable Christian for 25 years. The message of God’s grace has transformed my life. Why was Jesus baptized? Do we need to be baptized in water to be saved? What does the Bible say about women speaking and teaching?

11.15.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Is the New Testament message really about Abraham or is it about Jesus? Why does Paul talk about baptism for the dead? Can someone fall away from Christ and lose their salvation? Why does Paul say that women will be “saved” through childbirth?

10.24.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Should women be serving as pastors, deacons, or leaders? Or should they remain quiet? What’s the difference between “presenting yourselves” to God and “presenting your members” to God? Do the warnings to the seven churches in Revelation contradict the message of Grace?

02.20.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Do you think the Covid lockdowns have caused more spiritual warfare? How do I overcome my fear and anxiety? Will God ever allow us to experience more than we can bear? Can women be involved in ministry? Have I hardened my heart beyond repentance? How can my friend move on after her husband has left […]

07.04.2017 – Andrew Farley Live!

Can women be pastors or teach men? Can you lose your salvation? The early church fathers taught that one could lose their salvation, what are your thoughts on this? Can we trust the canonization of the Scriptures?

05.01.2016 – Andrew Farley Live!

Do you think a believer can lose their relationship, not salvation, with the Lord based on their behavior? What are your thoughts on women in leadership? What commands do we follow? Does grace promote passivity?

04.21.2013 – Andrew Farley Live!

What do the gifts of the spirit mean? What are your thoughts on guaranteed healing? What does Jesus mean when He says if I don’t wash your feet you have no part with me? What are your thoughts on women speaking in the church? What are your thoughts on Christ return? Does taking the Lords supper lead to healing?

11.18.2012 – Andrew Farley Live!

What are your thoughts on sex before marriage? Is it ok to marry someone who isn’t a Christian? What are your thoughts on vision? Do you have to be fully submersed in water baptism to be saved? Are women allowed to preach? How can I know that I am going to heaven? Can we keep the ten commandments perfectly?

10.21.2012 – Andrew Farley Live!

Do you teach anything about the baptism of the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues? Were tongues meant for gentiles? What are tongues for? Are women allowed to pastor in the church? Did Christ have an advantage over us on beating temptation? Do we have a sinful nature? Do we need to be baptized in the water?  

09.30.2012 – Andrew Farley Live!

Why do I backslide? What does it mean that Jesus Christ is our high priest? Can women teach men? What does the bible say about politics and government? What does it mean to be filled with the spirit?