Does the church need revival?

“The church needs revival!”

It’s a message Christians often hear preached, and the underlying theme is there’s something wrong with the body of Christ. The church isn’t doing enough to please God. Maybe you’ve even heard the church today is “falling asleep” or “dead.” They say the church needs to plead for mercy and show more commitment.

This sort of talking down to believers conveys a message of rejection. I don’t think it’s healthy, and I don’t think it reflects how God views the church at all. God is not frustrated or disappointed; He’s delighted in the church!

Yes, we all deal with struggles and can become distracted, but the believer’s new identity means that God esteems us – both individually and corporately – more than we can possibly imagine. Check out this short video clip and be encouraged that God loves what He sees and that we are His beautiful, perfect, spotless bride!


Learn more about how the church can stay healthy and focused in my 7-message series, Healthy Church!

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