Don’t Try to Kill What God Has Called New!

Andrew Farley

Christians often hear you need to deny yourself, die to self, or get rid of yourself because you’re bad. But what if you don’t need to kill yourself spiritually and can instead celebrate that you’ve been made new and you’re awesome? Prepare to have your whole perspective challenged!

How Near Are You to God?

Andrew Farley

The religious world tells you to balance law and grace and to follow methods and principles for getting closer to God. But believers are near to God in a way that is beyond our wildest dreams. Discover the profound implications of being intimately “one spirit with the Lord”!

A Second Judgment for Christians?

Andrew Farley

How many judgments are there? There’s a popular idea of a second judgment for Christians in which they’re rewarded or maybe even embarrassed. Watch this short video clip and watch your understanding of God’s judgment be transformed!

God’s Economy for Sins: Apology-Based or Blood-Based?

Andrew Farley

In human-to-human relationships, forgiveness happens progressively, in time, and is based on our apologies. But God’s forgiveness of you is based on the once-for-all blood sacrifice of Jesus. Explore the profound difference between human forgiveness and God’s forgiveness right here. And don’t settle for anything less than the once-for-all takeaway of your sins forever!

Nothing Can Go Wrong!

Andrew Farley

As a believer, you’ve received an unbreakable seal of redemption. You don’t carry the burden of sustaining your salvation. You can live free from the fear of losing it! Check out this short video clip to discover why!

Be a Receiver, Not an Achiever!

Andrew Farley

Unlike other world religions, the Gospel is about receiving, not achieving. Check out this short video clip and celebrate the profound truth that you are justified for free by God’s incredible grace.

Getting Tired of Doing Good?

Andrew Farley

Ever feel exhausted or discouraged in your pursuit of doing the right thing? With a touch of humor and profound Biblical truth, this short clip will encourage and empower you!

Don’t Swim Upstream. Go with the Flow!

Andrew Farley

Christianity is not about self-improvement or sin management but about embracing the leading of God’s Spirit. In this thought-provoking video clip, I share how trying to manage sin or clean up the flesh is a burdensome, futile endeavor, like swimming upstream. You’ll discover instead how “going with the flow” of God’s Spirit brings peace and […]

Your True Motivation!

Andrew Farley

Imagine if Jesus Christ risen from the dead and alive in you were the only reason you displayed good behavior? In this captivating clip, I invite you to embrace a radical shift in perspective that will allow you to let go of the burden of rule-keeping and experience a profound freedom. Don’t miss this one!

The Holy Spirit WON’T Help You Keep the Law!

Andrew Farley

In this eye-opening video clip, I challenge popular teaching about the Ten Commandments and the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives. I argue that the Holy Spirit isn’t helping believers keep the Law and that striving to keep the Ten Commandments is not God’s agenda for us. Prepare to have your perspective shifted […]

Trust the Contract!

Andrew Farley

Are you ready to uncover the profound truth about the Gospel as an inheritance? You’ve freely received closeness with God, forgiveness, and righteousness all because of a death that secures your inheritance. Discover the transformative power of “trusting the contract” of the Gospel and experience the freedom from the highs and lows of what your […]

The Curse of the Law

Andrew Farley

The apostle Paul uses strong language when describing the curse of the Law. The Law can be both a burden and a curse to those who rely on it. Here, Andrew explains that the Law sets a standard of perfection that is impossible to meet, and even stumbling in one point makes a person guilty […]

You’ve Been Rescued!

Andrew Farley

Galatians says God rescued you from this evil age. But how? Sometimes, it really helps to understand what God has already done for you. In fact, I’d argue that it’s essential for moving forward in a healthy way. So, take a minute to discover how you’ve been rescued!

You Don’t Need More!

Andrew Farley

You don’t need more patience. You don’t need more love. How would you “get more” of those anyway? So, what if you already have everything you need in Christ? And what if you have all of Him you’ll ever need?

Enveloped in Jesus!

Andrew Farley

What if closeness with God is totally free? What if it’s not about three more quiet times or five more trips to church? What if, instead, it’s about a closeness that Jesus requested for you a long time ago?

Ask for Whatever You Want?

Can we just tack on “in Jesus’ name” and get whatever we ask for? If not, then what did Jesus really mean in John 15 when He told His disciples to “ask whatever you wish”?

Prayer- It’s Okay to Ask!

Andrew Farley

Paul asks for prayer. We ask you to pray for us. And it’s okay to reach out and ask others to pray for you. In fact, it’s much healthier to not go through difficult times alone!

Let God Be the Judge!

Andrew Farley

Let God be the judge of others. It’s not your responsibility, and it’s too much for you to bear!

The Truth About Faith

Andrew Farley

Here’s an encouraging reminder that it’s not about the size of your faith. It’s all about where you point it!