God Is ALWAYS Leading You!
Ever find yourself asking God to lead you? In this clip, I reveal the profound truth that He already is! With your new mindset, there’s no need to wait for a divine visitation. Embrace your completeness in Christ and God’s guidance right here and now!
You’re Already Perfectly Close to God!
What if the Gospel means you’re already as close to God as anyone can be? In this clip, I explore the radical idea that you’re in perfect union with Christ, perfectly forgiven, and perfectly righteous. Ready to shift your perspective and embrace this liberating truth? Click to watch and discover more!
The Secret to Overcoming Temptation?
Are you tired of battling temptation with activities like accountability groups, workbooks, and memory verses? In this clip, I reveal a powerful truth that will transform your approach, and it’s not about more time or growth. If you’re curious about the real answer to temptation, click to discover this freeing truth from Romans 6!
Closeness to God Is a Fact, NOT a Feeling!
Tired of chasing the “spiritual buzz” of feeling close to God? Here’s the reality: Intimacy with Jesus was never your idea, and it doesn’t hinge on how you feel things are going with God. In this clip, I unpack why your union with Christ is a rock-solid reality, not a fleeting emotional experience. Click to […]
Ever Feel Like You’re Forcing a Conversation About Jesus?
Does sharing the Gospel ever feel like a losing battle? In this clip, I tackle the frustration of sharing your faith with those who don’t seem interested. Jesus offers a surprising perspective in Matthew 7 that might just relieve the guilt and stress you’ve been feeling about being a “world changer.” Click to discover what […]
Discover True Spiritual Strength!
Ever heard someone be called a “strong Christian” or “prayer warrior” and thought they must be super spiritual? In this clip, I challenge that idea and reveal what real spiritual strength looks like. Hint: It’s not about rigid rule-keeping or lengthy prayers. Click to discover true freedom and maturity in Christ!
613? That’s Perfectly Impossible! I Need Grace Instead…
In this video, I prove that the only people who respect God’s law are those who choose His grace instead!
Are You Constantly “Under Construction”?
In this eye-opening clip, I challenge the popular belief that Christians are a mess and need constant cleaning up. Yes, we’re learning and growing, but knowing your completeness in Christ will transform the journey from drudgery to joy!
You’re as Righteous as Jesus!
Think you need to work harder to become more righteous? The Bible says you’re either dead in your sins or as righteous as Jesus. Despite imperfect behavior, if you’re a believer, you’re not a “6” or an “8” but a perfect “11” on the righteousness scale!
The Enemy Can’t Touch You!
Many religious teachings obsess over the enemy and his power. But for believers, the enemy is all bark and no bite. Yes, he can deceive and distract you, but he can’t touch you. Check out this clip and discover why you’re protected!
Is It Easy to Get Saved?
Does salvation require rigorous commitment and perfect behavior, or is it simple and accessible to anyone who believes? Watch my answer and discover why people from all kinds of backgrounds and denominations will be in Heaven!
Jesus: Our Spiritual Oxygen!
Here, I take on the deceivers and charlatans questioning Jesus’ divinity and describe the Holy Spirit’s undeniable testimony burning within us! Tune in to understand why Jesus is the only path to the Father – and no, it’s not about being narrow-minded. It’s simply about breathing in the spiritual “oxygen” we all crave.
The Do-Do Gospel: Why Legalism Fails!
In this eye-opening video, I expose the pitfalls of the “do more, be more” mentality that pervades both Catholic and Protestant circles. Discover why trying your hardest to love God can lead to a pressure cooker of legalism that ends in disaster. Instead, embracing grace is what truly teaches you to say “no” to sin!
Can a Christian Be Possessed by a Demon?
Many believers seem to focus on battling the enemy, but Scripture tells us he’s already defeated. Watch this to find out why God won’t share you with a demon and what it means to be a person of His possession!
Is Forgiveness Progressive?
In this eye-opening clip, I challenge both Catholic and Protestant views on God’s forgiveness, exposing the myth of progressive cleansing of sins. Discover how both groups often miss the liberating truth of once-for-all forgiveness in Christ. Watch now to uncover a powerful perspective that will transform your understanding of God’s grace!
Can You Fall in and Out of Fellowship with God?
“Fellowship” is often taught as something you bounce in and out of with God based on your behavior. Yet the Bible never says a believer’s fellowship with God can be lost or broken. Discover the liberating reality that even when you sin, you’re always in fellowship with God!
How Do You Bear Fruit?
In this thought-provoking video clip, I dive into the key to bearing fruit with a liberating truth that challenges common religious mindsets and self-improvement methods. Discover the miraculous life of being united with Christ and saying “no” to rules! Click this link to watch or listen now! In Him, Andrew Farley Watch the Message Now […]
Do You Need to ‘Prepare Your Heart’?
We hear in church that to get clean and close to God, we should prepare our hearts – for getting right with Him, the Lord’s Supper, Christmas, Easter, and more. But what if Jesus already made you right, and you’re prepared and equipped? Check out this clip and embrace the freedom from striving to letting […]
How Close Are You to God?
Many teach that we achieve closeness to God through performing religious activities, but Colossians 3:3 tells us we’re already hidden with Christ in God. So, are we close through our doing or what He’s done? In this video clip, discover the truth about your incredible proximity to God, as close as oneness can be.
The Sales Pitch of Self-Improvement
Don’t be suckered by the sales pitch of self-improvement. It’s not about principles; it’s about a Person. It’s not about rules; it’s about letting Christ rule!