Is There Anything Left to Do About Your Sins?
Many of us have clever ideas about handling our sins – confession booths, apologies, or trying to remember every wrongdoing. But here’s the truth: God will never do anything else about your sins because Jesus already did it all. It’s not about your methods or efforts but His finished work. Intrigued? Watch to discover why […]
What Does It Mean to Be a “New Creature”?
Tired of mixed messages about your identity in Christ? In this clip, I dive into the truth of being a new creation. It’s not about striving to die daily, juggling two natures, or engaging in a religious rat race. Instead, realizing that God made you holy, righteous, and permanently connected to Him can transform your […]
Wondering How to Make Life Work?
The world tells us to focus on morality and education, but Ephesians 4 uncovers a deeper issue: without Jesus, we’re darkened in our understanding, excluded from God’s life. In this clip, discover the profound transformation of salvation – moving from being unplugged from God to being fully connected and one spirit with Him!
Are You Trying to Put God First?
Religiosity says you need to prioritize putting God first. But here’s the truth: Christ is your life, not just a priority. Whether you’re at work, with family, or enjoying a hobby, He’s in all and above all, already holding the prime spot. Click to watch and discover everything you do can be an expression of […]
Are You Living with Full Confidence in Christ?
In this clip, I explore the incredible confidence we can have because of Jesus. It’s not about being a “5 out of 10” with God – it’s about being a perfect 10, fully forgiven and righteous. This is the gift of Jesus and the heart of the Christmas message. Watch now and embrace the full […]
Are You in the Book of Life?
Judgment Day is a sobering reality, but as believers in Christ, we can rest assured, knowing we’re safe. Being in the Book of Life is all about the rock-solid promises of God, not the rollercoaster of our emotions or doubts. Dive into this video clip and discover the unshakable confidence that if you’re in the […]
Does Confession Keep You in Fellowship with God?
The idea that we need to continually confess every sin to stay in fellowship with God is unbiblical. Either Jesus took away our sins once-for-all, or His blood’s no greater than the blood of bulls and goats. Click through to watch and celebrate the powerful truth that your forgiveness is complete. It’s time to brag […]
You Are Obedient by Nature!
Many of us cringe at the word “obedience,” but what if obedience is actually part of our new nature in Christ? God has designed us as obedient children, replacing our old, disobedient hearts with new ones. Check out this clip and discover how joyful obedience aligns with your true identity.
“Justified by Works” Explained!
Does James contradict Paul by saying Abraham was “justified by works” in James 2:21? Before you toss James out of the Bible, check out this video clip, where I unpack the controversial language. You’ll see the difference between dead faith and true, living faith!
Why Apologies Aren’t Enough
Many people believe forgiveness is about saying you’re sorry and promising to do better. But with God, forgiveness of sins is blood-based, not apology-based. In this clip, I explore why letting Jesus handle your sins, once for all, is what God invites you to!
What’s Really Written on Your Heart?
What laws are truly written on your heart as a believer? It’s not the 613 commands of Judaism, like avoiding pork or shrimp. Instead, God has inscribed something far more profound. In this clip, I explore the true “laws” that guide us. Watch now and discover how these shape your identity and renew your mind!
Christ in You, or You in Christ? Yes!
Some think being a believer means you’re just a hollow tube for Christ to live through. Others treat their identity in Christ like a feel-good, esteem-boosting mantra, forgetting that apart from Him, we can do nothing. In this video clip, I dive into why embracing both truths – Christ in you and you in Christ […]
Tired of Religion’s Sales Pitch?
Religious tradition often tells you that you need more—more of Jesus, more forgiveness, more cleansing, more of the Spirit. It’s the classic “you’re not enough” pitch. But don’t be duped: God says you’re already complete! Watch this video clip and discover the assurance and fullness you have in Christ!
What If Your Union with Christ Is Already Perfect?
In this clip, I delve into the profound truth of our unbreakable union with Christ. It’s not about your quiet time, church attendance, or clean living – God did it all. Imagine being perfectly fused with Jesus, where sin and struggles aren’t obstacles. This is your life now, a perfect union with Him. Watch now […]
The Secret to Overcoming the Flesh
How do you avoid fleshy living? Some people mistakenly get caught up in overanalyzing the flesh or owning it as part of who they are. But that’s not the solution. Instead, embrace your identity in Christ and rely on the “Life Coach” (God’s Spirit!) within you. In this clip, discover how walking by the Spirit […]
Are You Living by Faith or Self-Effort?
Do you remember how you got saved? It was about letting Christ do what you couldn’t. So why switch from relying on Him to relying on self-improvement? In this clip, I dive into how the Christian life is about Christ in you, living through you – not behavior management.
How to Have Spiritual Confidence Like Never Before
In this clip, I share the beautiful simplicity of the Gospel. You don’t need a theology degree to understand it—just a clear view of what Jesus accomplished. Once you see it, you can’t unsee it. Discover how this uncomplicated truth empowers you to live and share the finished work of Christ with confidence! Curious? Click […]
God Is ALWAYS Leading You!
Ever find yourself asking God to lead you? In this clip, I reveal the profound truth that He already is! With your new mindset, there’s no need to wait for a divine visitation. Embrace your completeness in Christ and God’s guidance right here and now!
You’re Already Perfectly Close to God!
What if the Gospel means you’re already as close to God as anyone can be? In this clip, I explore the radical idea that you’re in perfect union with Christ, perfectly forgiven, and perfectly righteous. Ready to shift your perspective and embrace this liberating truth? Click to watch and discover more!
The Secret to Overcoming Temptation?
Are you tired of battling temptation with activities like accountability groups, workbooks, and memory verses? In this clip, I reveal a powerful truth that will transform your approach, and it’s not about more time or growth. If you’re curious about the real answer to temptation, click to discover this freeing truth from Romans 6!