Warning: You Can’t Obey This One!
The Sermon on the Mount isn’t your typical Sunday School lesson. It’s a wake-up call that shatters any illusion of self-righteousness.
Ever tried to keep every ounce of the Law? Jesus shows us we can’t. And that’s the whole point.
He equates anger with murder and sees looking with lust as adultery. Plus, tearing out your eye and cutting off your hand weren’t just hyperbole (exaggeration). No, Jesus was setting an impossible standard to drive us to one conclusion: We need grace, not rule-keeping.
Click to watch this message and discover why Jesus’ impossible demands are the ultimate setup for His incredible gift of grace.
Discussion Questions:
- Why does Jesus emphasize that not one command in the Law can be ignored? What does this mean for those who single out the Ten Commandments today?
- React to this statement: Anger equals murder. Looking with lust equals adultery. Why would Jesus teach these things?
- How do verses 23-24 further solidify that His audience is the Jews under the Law?
- React to this statement: Tear out your eye. Cut off your hand. What would you say to those who claim that Jesus is just using hyperbole (exaggerating)? How does that argument hold up when reading the rest of the passage?
- How can understanding the true context of this sermon help us avoid the pitfall of condemnation that some feel about having been divorced?
- React to this statement: Always keep your word. Let people physically harm you. Give to whomever asks and let anyone borrow from you. How should we approach this passage? By watering it down or putting it in covenantal context? Why?
- How does verse 48 sum up everything and bring despair and then relief to those who truly understand the Gospel?