The New Testament is brimming with high-impact spiritual insights, and Matthew 7 is no exception.
From the infamous “judge not” passage to the narrow and wide gates, the words of Jesus challenge us to rethink our approach to faith and relationships. Ever tried sharing truth with someone who just didn’t care? Jesus has some bold advice on when to move on. And let’s not forget the so-called “golden rule” – is it really the pinnacle of how we should treat others?
If you’re ready to cut through the religious noise and discover what Jesus really meant, watch now and be encouraged by God’s goodness!
Discussion Questions:
- Read Matthew 7:1-5. What is the main point? How does it parallel Romans 2:17-24?
- Read Matthew 7:6. Describe a time you tried to share the truth with someone who didn’t want to hear it. What did you learn from that experience? And from this Scripture?
- Read Matthew 7:7-11. How is this evangelistic? How does it point to the goodness of God?
- Read Matthew 7:12. This is commonly referred to as “the golden rule.” How does it fall short of a new covenant, grace-based motivation for treating others well?
- Read Matthew 7:13-14. Describe the narrow gate. Describe the wide gate.
- Reader Matthew 7:17-19. React to this statement: I’m a good tree that bears good fruit.
- Read Matthew 7:21-23. Why does Jesus tell some to depart from Him? How do we know they were not ever believers?