“How should I pray in hard times?”

Why did Paul have to correct a situation within Timothy’s congregation near Ephesus? Were there women preaching to men? I’m going through hard times right now. Do we need to do something in particular to get God to intervene? People who experience judgment and punishment – is there an end to their pain?

“They won’t let me take communion!”

How should I pray for my friend who may become a missionary? What are your thoughts on the outcome of positive thinking? Do the beliefs of the “early church fathers” offer us a sound perspective on Christianity? Do I need to become an official member of my church? They won’t let me take communion until […]

“I get perverted thoughts and doubt my salvation!”

Will Christians give an account to God? What is Hebrews 4:13 about? Did Paul disobey God in Acts 18 by going to Asia against His instruction? Is this why Paul was stricken with a difficult circumstance? Might God do the same to us if we disobey? Who is the false prophet in Revelation 2? Could […]

“Advice for worship leaders?”

Should we turn away children and unbelievers from participating in the Lord’s Supper? What is your best advice for worship leaders? My husband died recently; and a friend told me God takes us early when we make bad decisions. Is this true?

Is there one final judgment or two?

Are there always earthly consequences for our actions? How do we stay “positive” about God even in the midst of them? Is there one final judgment or two? What does 2 Corinthians 5:10 mean when it says “we must all appear” and then it speaks of being “recompensed”?

“A God of love and punishment?”

Is infant baptism in the Bible? How can God love us but also punish unbelievers? Does the punishment ever cease? I struggle with my need for prescription drugs. Can I lose my salvation over the issue? How does God view me? Help me understand Romans 10:13 and its true meaning!

Bearing fruit without being legalistic?

What does it mean to abide in Christ? Can we lose our salvation? How is discipline different from punishment? Is purgatory biblical? How do we walk in obedience without being legalistic?

“Is God punishing me?”

How could Jesus not know the timing of His return and still be God? I’m experiencing guilt and anxiety over losing my son. I wonder: Is it God’s punishment for my sins?

Does God really “scourge” us? (Hebrews 12)

Why does Jesus tell people to chop off their hands and pluck out their eyes? What is He really getting at? What does God’s discipline look like? How is it different from punishment? Why does Hebrews 12 talk about God “scourging” us?

Sanctified or Not? (Stop the Double Talk!)

If we’re already sanctified, then why does 1 Thessalonians 4 say God’s will is our sanctification? How do we interpret all the New Testament passages that say God will punish those who practice sinful behavior? Does that punishment apply to Christians who struggle with sin? If not, why not? What does it mean to “be […]

Do we gain or lose heavenly rewards?*

How do we know when God is disciplining us? Does 1 Corinthians 3 mean we might be losing rewards? Why does Jesus say we need to purchase gold from Him in Revelation 3? Who is being described in Romans 1 when it says they have a depraved mind and God gave them over? *previously aired

What does “died to sin” even mean?

Does God punish us with circumstances today? If Jesus died for our sins, why do we still battle temptation? Is it okay to listen to rock music? My mother passed away yesterday. How do I move on?

Do we gain or lose heavenly rewards?

How do we know when God is disciplining us? Does 1 Corinthians 3 mean we might be losing rewards? Why does Jesus say we need to purchase gold from Him in Revelation 3? Who is being described in Romans 1 when it says they have a depraved mind and God gave them over?

“Did I take the mark of the beast?”

Are all sins equal? What about consequences? And what about judgment and punishment? I drank an energy drink, and now I’m afraid I took the mark of the beast! I visit church services of many denominations, and I wonder what’s most important to look for in a church?

10.18.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Is there any place for teaching self-improvement? What about in a secular setting? Could there possibly be an end to the punishment of unbelievers at some point? I struggle with obsessive thoughts, and I sometimes wonder if I should only be sharing the Gospel all the time. What are your thoughts?

10.09.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Which is true – eternal torment or annihilation? After death, do you have to wait to be with God? Is every Christian called to be married? I raised my kids to believe in God, but now they are on drugs. Are they saved?

06.01.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Are there levels of punishment in Hell? Would it be enough to call on the Lord to save you on your deathbed? Or is more repentance from sins needed? What is 2 Thessalonians 2 really saying about a “rebellion” or “departure” from the truth? Is it about people walking away from the Gospel and losing […]

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