“Did I take the mark of the beast?”

Are all sins equal? What about consequences? And what about judgment and punishment? I drank an energy drink, and now I’m afraid I took the mark of the beast! I visit church services of many denominations, and I wonder what’s most important to look for in a church?

10.18.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Is there any place for teaching self-improvement? What about in a secular setting? Could there possibly be an end to the punishment of unbelievers at some point? I struggle with obsessive thoughts, and I sometimes wonder if I should only be sharing the Gospel all the time. What are your thoughts?

10.09.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Which is true – eternal torment or annihilation? After death, do you have to wait to be with God? Is every Christian called to be married? I raised my kids to believe in God, but now they are on drugs. Are they saved?

06.01.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Are there levels of punishment in Hell? Would it be enough to call on the Lord to save you on your deathbed? Or is more repentance from sins needed? What is 2 Thessalonians 2 really saying about a “rebellion” or “departure” from the truth? Is it about people walking away from the Gospel and losing […]

05.21.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Does 2 Peter 3:17 mean we can lose our salvation? Does sin cause a rift between us and God? Why does 1 Corinthians 10 cite the punishment of Israel if believers are not punished by God? Why does Paul say we have “all things” in 1 Corinthians 3? What role does the renewing of the […]

05.08.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Which commands is Jesus talking about in Matthew 5:19? Are we least in Heaven if we don’t obey the Law? What happens when we die? Is there an end to the punishment in Hell? Why didn’t God allow Moses to go into the Promised Land?

04.16.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

I go to casinos sometimes. Do I love money too much? What is the true meaning of predestination? How should we view tarot cards, palm readings, and similar practices? What does “punish all disobedience” mean in 2 Corinthians 10? What was Paul’s thorn? How does grace really help in times of trouble?

12.29.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Does Galatians 2:20 say it’s faith “in” Jesus or the faith “of” Jesus? How do I share the Gospel with unbelievers in an organic way? I’ve had panic attacks and wonder if it’s because of my sins. How is God’s discipline different from punishment? I haven’t heard God’s voice lately, and it concerns me. Should […]

11.13.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Why does Luke 12 talk about a servant who is punished? Why was Jesus so critical of religious leaders? What is the “falling away” that Paul describes to the Thessalonians? What does it mean to grieve the Spirit? Didn’t Jesus tell us to keep the commands of the Law? What is hypergrace? Are you omitting […]

08.25.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Do we face judgment immediately after dying? What happens at the final judgment? I thought I was already saved, but then I had an experience that made me believe I got saved again. And then all those feelings were lost. Now I’m just confused. Have I committed the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit? Can you […]

05.25.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Was Paul out of line to rebuke Peter publicly? I’ve been taught that God won’t hear my prayers if there are any unrepentant sins in my life. Is this true? Does the punishment of the unbeliever in Hell last forever? Or is it possible that God’s enemies are eventually destroyed? Do we need to confess […]

06.05.2016c – Andrew Farley Live!

Is eating pork an abomination? Are we supposed to follow any part of the Law? Does God punish us for our sins? In James 3 it says teachers will be judged, what does this mean?

02.14.2016 – Andrew Farley Live!

Will you explain more about the spirit, soul and body? Are we supposed to strive to love like it describes in 1 Corinthians 13? Is the marriage covenant broken when your spouse leaves but there is no immorality? Am I free to marry if I get divorced? Will we be judged for our sins? What […]

04.12.2015 – Andrew Farley Live!

Does sin still exist for the believer? In 1 Corinthians 9-10, what does Paul mean by disqualification, and the phrase “are we trying to arouse Gods jealousy?” What is Church Without Religion? Why are people punished so severely in hell? Does wrath require anger? I need advice on how to talk to and treat my homosexual friend, how do I […]

08.03.2014 – Andrew Farley Live!

Do we have to forgive someone? Or do we just have to forgive if they ask? Will you talk about our forgiveness? Does God still curse or punish people for sinning or breaking a vow? In light of submitting to authorities, how do we interpret that in light of oppressive governments?

04.13.2014 – Andrew Farley Live!

Does sin still exist for the believer? In 1 Corinthians 9-10, what does Paul mean by disqualification, and the phrase “are we trying to arouse Gods jealousy?” What is Church Without Religion? Why are people punished so severely in hell? Does wrath require anger? I need advice on how to talk to and treat my homosexual friend, how do I […]

03.16.2014 – Andrew Farley Live!

Why did you call your first book The Naked Gospel? Do we need to ask God for forgiveness? What is worship? What is a Christian to do if the presidents don’t put Jesus Christ into His proper place? Is there a penalty if people keep sinning? If we keep sinning will it effect our place in heaven? How do I forgive […]