What does “repent” really mean?

What does repent actually mean in Acts 2:38? I go to three churches, so do I need to tithe to all of them? What does Jesus mean when He says in Matthew 17 that they don’t have mustard-seed-sized faith? My wife wants to divorce me. What should I do? repent, Acts 2, tithing, Matthew 17, […]

06.07.2015 – Andrew Farley Live!

What does repent mean? What does John 10:27-29 mean? What does Philippians 2:12 mean when it says “work out our salvation?” Are there consequences to our sin under grace? Can I lose my salvation? What happens if you are luke warm? What is the difference between sin and the enemy? What does it mean in John 15 about the branches who don’t […]

05.03.2015 – Andrew Farley Live!

How does repent go with the believing process? What does repent mean? Do we have to call God a certain name? How do we know that Paul was inspired by the Holy Spirit, versus people today? Why are Paul’s letters in the canon? Do our prayers move God? Will Jesus harsh words in the sermon on the mount be his message […]

11.02.2014 – Andrew Farley Live!

Why does Paul ask in, 1 Cor. 10:22, are we stronger than God? What do we do when political figures don’t repent? What are your thoughts on the thousand years that Jesus reigns in Revelation 20? Is there a limit to how many times we can sin? Can we backslide? Are Christians a part of the Church of Philadelphia […]

03.30.2014 – Andrew Farley Live!

What do you make of the examine yourself passage and how does this tie into communion? We want to teach our kids grace, but also want to teach them right from wrong, how do you this in light of grace? How many times do we repent? Did Jesus make actual wine, and did he drink it? What is the […]

02.03.2013 – Andrew Farley Live!

In the Old Testament it seems like God wanted to destroy the wicked, and in the New Testament it seems like he wants to redeem the wicked, what are your thoughts on this? Do we need the moral Law? What does repent mean? Why do we go to the doctor or dentist if God heals? Are we supposed to […]

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