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What’s a healthy motivation for giving? How does this differ from living under the Law in the Old Testament? Is there a required percentage today? If we are forgiven of all of our sins, then what is 1 John 1:9 about? It seems like there’s a condition to be met in that verse!

Tags: 1 John 1:9, cleansing, confession, forgiveness, freedom, giving, heart, motivation, percentage, tithing

Radio Shows

“Seek to please God? If so, how?”

December 18, 2024

Are we pleasing to God? Do we also need to seek to please Him? Can a believer take the Mark of the Beast? I’m a biker that’s rough around the edges. Sometimes I feel out of place at my church. What does God think? What does salvation mean? Is the Holy Spirit ever removed from the Earth with unbelievers unable to be saved?

Tags: church, Holy Spirit, mark of the beast, personalities, pleasing God, rapture, salvation

Radio Shows

“You sin more under the Ten Commandments!”

December 17, 2024

What is antinomianism? How can I respond to those who think I’m a “Law hater”? What does it mean to be filled with the Spirit? How should we respond to Deuteronomy which tells us not to enter the house of the Lord empty-handed? What about tithing? New Testament giving?

Radio Shows

“Why am I not hearing this everywhere?”

December 16, 2024

I’m so excited about God‘s grace! Why aren’t we hearing this message in every church across the world?! Can you talk about legalistic religion (in Colossians), and the pure kind that James referred to? How can we best describe Christianity to others?

Radio Shows

“How can I share God’s grace effectively?”

December 15, 2024

Do believers need “a teachable heart”? I’m a new believer, and I wonder how I can share Christ with my family. They don’t seem interested! How can I be more discerning in sharing the message of grace? Are women today allowed to speak in church? If so, then what did Paul mean in 1 Corinthians and 1 Timothy?

Radio Shows

“How can I be more patient?”

December 13, 2024

I need encouragement to read the Bible. Can you help me? I struggle with patience and wonder if you have any thoughts on it. In John 16, what kind of things did Jesus mean would be revealed later?

Radio Shows

“Why did Paul give in to Jewish customs?”

December 12, 2024

Why does Paul say “let them be accursed” in Galatians? What’s wrong with the word “surrender”? Is it really okay to feel good with God? Why did Paul write that we “uphold” or “establish” the Law in Romans 3:31? If we’re not under the Law, then why did Paul and others give in to Jewish customs in Acts 15 and 21?

Radio Shows

“What happens at communion?”

December 11, 2024

Why does Jesus call Himself the bread of life? Does this relate to communion? Why does 1 Corinthians 7 say the husband is sanctified through the wife? My dad is Muslim, and I’m worried about him. What should I do?

Radio Shows

“I’ve been doubting a lot lately!”

December 10, 2024

What kind of marriage ceremony is enough for me and my fiancé? Why does Ephesians say that Jesus “descended”? Where to? Lately, I’ve been experiencing an intensity of doubts. What should I do? My new daughter-in-law’s family was offended at my wedding speech. How should I handle this?

Tags: ceremony, conflict, descended, doubts, Ephesians, family, Hell, marriage, paradise, salvation, testimony, thief, truth, wedding

Why is it so hard for me to believe my “sins of omission” are forgiven? I feel guilty (like a hypocrite) when I read the Bible or pray, because of my choices lately. What can I do? How do 2 Corinthians 5 and Romans 14 fit together and show us what will happen at the final judgment? Is there a deeper message than “spending time with God”? What about renewing our minds? If a believer dies by suicide, what happens to them?

*Previously aired.

Radio Shows

“Who created God?”

December 6, 2024

What is the Amplified Bible? What are your thoughts on translations? Could you pray for me and my grandsons? What’s the deal with circumcision in the Old Testament? And what about women? So, who created God?

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