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Radio Shows

“Satan is all bark and no bite!”

February 19, 2025

What are the beliefs of Seventh Day Adventists? Are they biblical? If we can’t lose our salvation, then why does Satan bother with us? Is there any lesson to be learned from the barrenness of women in the Old Testament? How can we more easily be at peace with others?

My wife and I see the Christian life very differently. She is focused a lot on healing and tongues. What can I do? Is the new heart just a metaphor? Or did we literally and actually get a new heart when we were born again?

In the Old Testament, God destroyed the enemies of Israel. In the New Testament, Jesus says, “Love your enemies.” I don’t get it! Is Christ still human in Heaven? Is the Holy Spirit now Christ in Heaven? I don’t understand the Trinity! Was Jesus quoting Scripture when He said, “My God, why have you forsaken Me?” If so, for what purpose?

Radio Shows

“How do I heal from a guilty conscience?”

February 16, 2025

1 John says we need no one to teach us, but God gave us pastors and teachers. I don’t get it! What do you think about the horrible things that are happening around the world? Is the return of Jesus getting nearer? Which book would you recommend to grasp the basics of God‘s grace? Why does Paul say leaders should be husbands of one wife? How do I heal from a guilty conscience over my sins? Do you think the war in Gaza had to happen for Christ to come back? Please pray for my son: he wants to get back with his ex-wife, but she has already remarried!

Radio Shows

“Prodigal sons today?”

February 14, 2025

What can we do about those who appear to step away from the faith? Does it take time to know the Lord? Knowing God’s grace makes me love His church even more!

Radio Shows

Scaring Christians is NOT ministry!

February 13, 2025

What about someone who says they no longer believe or care about Jesus? I’m a new believer and wonder why I don’t always feel love for my family the way that I should. Does a Christian go in and out of the light? I heard a pastor teach that and it scares me.

Radio Shows

“Should we beg like David?”

February 12, 2025

How should we read Psalm 51 in light of the cross? What about the book of Joel? How should I view my struggle with mental health? How can my wife help me? What do we talk to God about in prayer now that we understand His grace better?

Radio Shows

“A formula for daily forgiveness?”

February 11, 2025

How much false doctrine can God overlook and still save a person? How can we best understand 1 John 1:9? Why did Jesus ask Peter three times about his love? How were people in the Old Testament saved?

Radio Shows

Does grace make you passive?

February 10, 2025

Fully God, fully man – did Christ have the “capacity” to sin? Does the grace of God make some people go passive? Why didn’t God heal Paul? What did God mean by “My grace is sufficient”?

Radio Shows

Positional vs. Relational Forgiveness?

February 9, 2025

Is the idea of “relational forgiveness“ biblical? Do I need to get re-baptized? Can lazy Christians lose their salvation? What does it mean to pray in Jesus’ name? Should we follow preachers who teach loss of salvation? I got sprinkled instead of immersed. Does that count?

Radio Shows

Is Jesus convincing God to forgive you?

February 7, 2025

Why do so many people watch sports but not go to church? Is Jesus pleading with the Father to get Him to forgive us? How do you overcome sexual lust? Can you ask for forgiveness right before suicide? Or is it an unpardonable sin?

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