“A formula for daily forgiveness?”
How much false doctrine can God overlook and still save a person? How can we best understand 1 John 1:9? Why did Jesus ask Peter three times about his love? How were people in the Old Testament saved?
“Totally forgiven? Or confess to be forgiven?”*
What’s a healthy motivation for giving? How does this differ from living under the Law in the Old Testament? Is there a required percentage today? If we are forgiven of all of our sins, then what is 1 John 1:9 about? It seems like there’s a condition to be met in that verse! *Previously aired.
“Totally forgiven? Or confess to be forgiven?”
What’s a healthy motivation for giving? How does this differ from living under the Law in the Old Testament? Is there a required percentage today? If we are forgiven of all of our sins, then what is 1 John 1:9 about? It seems like there’s a condition to be met in that verse!
“I feel like a hypocrite when I read the Bible or pray!”*
Why is it so hard for me to believe my “sins of omission” are forgiven? I feel guilty (like a hypocrite) when I read the Bible or pray, because of my choices lately. What can I do? How do 2 Corinthians 5 and Romans 14 fit together and show us what will happen at the […]
“I feel like a hypocrite when I read the Bible or pray!”
Why is it so hard for me to believe my “sins of omission” are forgiven? I feel guilty (like a hypocrite) when I read the Bible or pray, because of my choices lately. What can I do? How do 2 Corinthians 5 and Romans 14 fit together and show us what will happen at the […]
Work out your salvation with fear and trembling?
Do we need to confess each sin to be forgiven? What about James 5:16 and confessing to one another? How do we “work out our salvation” and why does Paul say “with fear and trembling”? Does God pre-select some people for salvation leaving others with no chance to believe?
“Exorcism isn’t enough!”
Why didn’t God give us the new covenant from the start? What is the unpardonable sin? What about Christians who just continue in sin? What was Jesus trying to say in Luke 11 about demon possession? How can we effectively witness to those who don’t believe in the Bible? Is it wrong for me to […]
Did Jesus do it perfectly or not?
How can I share the new covenant message of God’s grace with Catholics? With Protestants? With anyone? *Previously aired
“I don’t experience God like I used to!”
Can we be saved but still lack the Holy Spirit? Is there a second blessing? Doesn’t 1 John 1:9 mean we confess to God for relational forgiveness? I used to experience so much peace and joy with God, but lately I’m not feeling any of it. What can I do?
Did Jesus do it perfectly or not?
How can I share the new covenant message of God’s grace with Catholics? With Protestants? With anyone?
Confess every sin to be forgiven?
Is the new covenant a “renewed” covenant? This ministry saved my life! Why does Hebrews 12 talk about God’s discipline in connection with holiness? What are your thoughts about church based on gender, race, etc.? What about couples who live together? Do we need to confess every sin to be forgiven by God?
Did Jesus heal everyone? Actually, no.
Andrew, how was your father saved? Was everyone around Jesus healed? What perspective on healing is healthy today? Is the discipline in Matthew 18 really for Jews under the Law? Why did David mention eating the flesh of bulls and goats? Isn’t there “high sin” that is unforgivable? What about 1 John 1:9? Don’t we […]
04.21.2024 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Andrew, how was your father saved? Was everyone around Jesus healed? What perspective on healing is healthy today? Is the discipline in Matthew 18 really for Jews under the Law? Why did David mention eating the flesh of bulls and goats? Isn’t there “high sin” that is unforgivable? What about 1 John 1:9? Don’t we […]
“Does God forgive you daily, sin-by-sin?”
Will humanity have a second chance after death to receive Christ? Do we have to confess every sin to be forgiven by God? What about 1 John 1:9? Isn’t it a “bar of soap” for daily cleansing for Christians?
11.19.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Why do dispensationalists say there’s one message for Jews and another for Gentiles? Who was Jesus praying for when He said, “Father, forgive them, they know not what they do”? Is there a difference between confessing and asking for forgiveness? Will we remember our unbelieving friends and relatives in Heaven? If God’s Spirit bears witness […]
09.19.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Is the foot washing in John 13 symbolic of our partial forgiveness and need for daily touchups through confession? What do you think about fearing God? Paul told Timothy that all Scripture is useful for teaching, so how does the Law factor in?
08.24.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Why do we Christians talk about “the house of the Lord” and even have a song about it? How far off base were some apostles (versus the Judaizers) as described in the book of Galatians? What will happen at the return of Christ? Do we want to be left behind or not? Is 1 John […]
07.03.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
What is the finished work of Christ? Is suicide an unforgivable sin? Why does 2 Timothy 2 say, “He will disown us”? Are there levels of rewards in Heaven?
06.11.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Does a believer need to confess and repent from every sin in order to experience healing? Apart from receiving Christ, is there anything else needed to be saved? What is your take on Matthew 24 that mentions two men in a field and one who is taken? Is Paul referring to two different types of […]
06.09.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
I have been a believer for about 50 years, and the grace message has transformed my experience! Why is there such a sin consciousness in so many religious circles today? What is the true meaning of 1 John 1:9? Is it really a “bar of soap” for daily cleansing in the believer’s life?