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Will humanity have a second chance after death to receive Christ? Do we have to confess every sin to be forgiven by God? What about 1 John 1:9? Isn’t it a “bar of soap” for daily cleansing for Christians?

Tags: 1 John 1:9, cleansing, confession, death, forgiveness, judgment, salvation, second chance

Radio Shows
March 27, 2024

How did David view the Law? How is his life a testimony to the mercy of God? What about the failures of Moses and Paul? 1 Corinthians 13 seems like an impossible standard. How can we ever live up to it? I’m exiting the Catholic Church and trying out new congregations. Do I need to issue a formal goodbye?

Tags: 1 Corinthians 13, agape, Catholicism, church, David, doctrine, grace, heart, Holy Spirit, impossible, Law, love, membership, mercy, Moses, New Covenant

Radio Shows
March 27, 2024

What is the serpent seed doctrine? And the true meaning of Genesis 3:15? How would the disciples have viewed the Last Supper proclamation about the new covenant? Someone in our Bible class continually interrupts with comments about the Law in the life of the believer. How can I handle this situation best? If Jesus helps us keep the Ten Commandments, then doesn’t He help us keep the Sabbath?

*Previously Aired*

Tags: Bible class, disciples, Genesis 3, interruption, Last Supper, Law, New Covenant, sabbath, seed, serpent, Ten Commandments

Radio Shows
March 25, 2024

What is the serpent seed doctrine? And the true meaning of Genesis 3:15? How would the disciples have viewed the Last Supper proclamation about the new covenant? Someone in our Bible class continually interrupts with comments about the Law in the life of the believer. How can I handle this situation best? If Jesus helps us keep the Ten Commandments, then doesn’t He help us keep the Sabbath?

Tags: Bible class, disciples, Genesis 3, interruption, Last Supper, Law, New Covenant, sabbath, seed, serpent, Ten Commandments

Is the return of Christ a secret “rapture” or is it more public and obvious? Is there one return of Christ or two? What is the general order of events at the end of the age? Do we need to re-dedicate our lives to Christ? How should we view a refocus later in life? Do I need to find church fellowship? Do I need to tithe to a church? Why will Jesus tell some churched people to depart from Him? Whom do I pray to – the Father, the Son, or the Holy Spirit?

Tags: Christ, church, depart, fellowship, pray, rapture, rededicate, return, Revelation, tithe, Trinity

Is it wrong for a believer’s body to be cremated? If you don’t bump into the devil every so often, are you heading in the same direction as him? What is Paul’s discussion of branches and being cut off really about in Romans 11? How do I tell someone in a dating app that I’m not interested in them?

Tags: branches, cremation, dating, devil, direction, honesty, love, Romans 11

Do Christians have to give an account for their sins? Does 2 Corinthians 5 describe a second and separate judgment for believers? Do we need to plead the blood of Jesus over people or situations? Is that idea in the New Testament? What is the discipline of the Lord? How is it different from the activity of Satan and this fallen world?

Tags: 2 Corinthians 5, believers, discipline, fallen world, , Great White Throne, judgment, Matthew 25, plead the blood, Revelation 20, Satan, sheep and goats, sins

What if Jesus returns and I have unrepentant sin in my life? I’ve been backsliding for years. Does Hebrews 6 mean there’s no place of repentance for me?

Tags: backsliding, final judgment, forgiveness, Hebrews 6, repentance, return of Christ, sin, taste

How can I avoid being tossed back-and-forth by every wind of doctrine? What role do the Ten Commandments play in the Christian life? Do you get frustrated with the Law-based teaching out there? Does 1 John 3 really say Christians don’t sin anymore?

Tags: 1 John 3, born of God, counterfeit, distraction, doctrine, grace, Law, mixture, practice, sin, Ten Commandments, truth

Radio Shows
March 18, 2024

My sister is telling me God wants us to balance law and grace. She refers to Luther’s “third use of the law.” What are your thoughts? Churches don’t seem to minister to people who are married to unbelievers. Do you think this is true? Does the Holy Spirit bring sins we’ve committed to our remembrance? How is His counsel different from accusations of the enemy?

Tags: accusation, counsel, enemy, grace, Holy Spirit, Law, marriage, Martin Luther, sins, third use, unbelievers, unequally yoked

Do James 1 and Romans 6 disagree regarding the source of temptation? Who was Simon of Cyrene? Our governor signed legislation that I disagree with. What can I do? How do we define sin? How do we know when we’ve sinned? Is it a feeling? Who are the two groups that become one in Ephesians 2? Is Old Testament consecration applicable today? Can you put the 1 Corinthians 3 passage about planting, watering, and building in context for me?

Tags: 1 Corinthians 3, building, consecration, definition, Ephesians 2, feeling, government, holy, James 1, legislation, lusts, planting, Romans 6, Simon of Cyrene, sin, temptation, two groups, watering

Radio Shows
March 15, 2024

I wonder if I have true faith and if I’m really saved. I struggle so much with sin, so I doubt my salvation. How can you tell if you are in the faith? What about those to whom Jesus will say, “Depart from Me“? What is “the obedience of faith” that we see in Romans 1?

Tags: depart, doubt, faith, obedience of faith, Romans 1, salvation, struggle, test

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